Homepage Announcements

The homepages for Career Center Users, Students and Alumni Users, and Employer Users have their own Announcements Tile that allows Career Center Users to add notifications and announcements to broadcast to certain audiences. 

Each Announcement audience is represented by a unique icon:

  • mceclip4.png for Student and Alumni Users
  • mceclip5.png for Career Center Users (Admins)
  • mceclip6.png for Employer Users (Recruiters)

Announcements can be pinned (mceclip7.png) to the top of the Announcements Tile via the three-dot action button. Additionally, announcements can only be sent to one audience at a time. This means that if you would like to show the same announcement to both Employers and Students, you will need to create the announcement twice -- once for Recruiters and once for Students. 


  1. Creating an Announcement
  2. Expirations
  3. Pinned Announcements


Creating an Announcement

  1. Navigate to the homepage

  2. Select the free-text box for "What would you like to announce, [name]?

  3. Select the User Type you would like to publish an announcement for

  4. Set an Expiration and make additional selections 
    • Students & Alumni: Select the Student Group(s) and College(s) when applicable
      • To announce to all Students and Alumni, leave Student Groups and College/School (if applicable) blank.
      • If you only limit the announcement to Student Groups, only Students who have that Student Group assigned to their profile will see the announcement. 
        • Example: If "Student A" is assigned "Group 1," "Group2," and "Group 3," and the announcement only includes "Group 2," the Student will see the announcement. 
      • If you have College/School as an option, only selecting a College/School will show the Announcement to all users within the College/School selection, regardless of assigned Student Group(s).
      • If you have College/School as an option, making a selection for College/School and Student Groups will limit your announcement to Student and Alumni users within that College/School and Student Group.
    • Admins: No secondary selections
    • Employers: No secondary selections

  5. Input your custom message
    • Images and videos can be embedded in announcements. Images can be added as

      .jpg or .png with no size restrictions. However, we suggest resizing your image so that it fits within the announcements box (i.e. 300 pixels x 250 pixels).

  6. Post



Announcements expire on the date and time configured for the custom message. Once the expiration date/time has been reached, the announcement will be removed from the Announcement Tile. When announcements expire, they will no longer be available, so please ensure you are checking for any upcoming expirations and extend the expiration date as needed. 


Pinned Announcements

Announcements that are pinned will be locked to the top of the Announcements Tile and will expire based on the message's configured expiration date.

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