The Job Listing and Event Promotion Tool allows Career Center Users to send Students and Alumni direct links to Job Listings, OCI Postings, and Events.
The Promotion Tool is used independently within each module and provides a multitude of filters to limit the number of users that receive an email.
How to Send a Promotion Email
- From either the OCI and Job Listing Module or the Events module, use the checkboxes to select one or more postings
- Use the three-dot action button and select Promote (#)
- Select and configure Filters to limit the number of users the email will be delivered to
- Add a Custom Message
- Send
Custom Message Formatting
The Promotion Tools allows Career Center Users to add a custom message to the email that is delivered to Student and Alumni Users. This message is created within the "Custom Message" section of the Promotion Tool and appears within the email as a highlighted blue box.
Creation of Message
Creating a custom message allows the Career Center User to add more detail to the Promotion Email. Please note that once sent, the formatting of the message will be removed and any line breaks (enters) will be removed. The Promotion Tool does not support Substitution Tags at this time.
Appearance of Message in the Email
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the Promotion Tool to send Jobs and Events at the same time?
No, the Promotion Tool can only send one type of record at a time and is accessed directly through the module. To send Job Postings or OCIs, please navigate to the OCI and Job Listings module. To send events, please navigate to the Events module.
Can I use Substitution Tags like First Name or Last Name in the Promotion Email?
No, the Promotion Tool's Custom Message does not support Substitution Tags at this time.
Can I add custom formatting to the Custom Message?
At this time, the Custom Message field does not support custom formatting like HTML or CSS.
Can I change the appearance of the Promotion Email?
Currently, the Promotion Tool does not support alterations to the formatting or to the template.
Who is the Sender and the Reply-To email address of the Promotion Email?
The sender of the Promotion Email will be notifications@[your-site-instance] and the reply-to email address will be the user configured as the "Contact Us" recipient in Site Management.
Can I change the Sender or the Reply-To email address of the Promotion Email?
The Sender cannot be changed, but the reply-to email address can be altered. Please note, if you would like to change the reply-to email address, this will affect all other automated notifications for your site. The reply-to email address can be changed via Site Management > Site Settings > Contact Us.
Why are there filters already selected when I promote a job or event?
The Promotion Slideout will set some filters by default including "Active = Yes" and the eligibility selections from the job posting(s) or event(s) being promoted.