Managing your 12twenty Network Job

Managing job listings effectively is key to ensuring your job postings reach the right candidates. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to manage your job listings on the 12twenty platform, including editing, deactivating, duplicating, and more. Do you need to post a job? Please check out this article How to Post Jobs on 12Twenty instead! 

  1. Editing a Job Posting
  2. Deactivating a Job Posting
  3. Managing Auto-Renewal
  4. Job Posting Approvals


Editing a Job Posting

You can edit your job posting after it has been submitted:

  • Navigate to the Jobs Page: On the left navigation bar, select "Job Postings"

  • Select the Job to Edit: Click on the job posting you wish to modify.

  • Edit from the Action Menu: Use the Action button to select "Edit." Changes made will be applied immediately to all school sites where the job is posted.


Deactivating a Job Posting

If you need to remove a job posting before the application period ends:

  • Access the Job Postings Page: Use the left navigation bar to access your job listings.

  • Select the Job: Choose the job posting you wish to deactivate.

  • Deactivate via the Action Button: Click the Action button at the top right corner and select "Deactivate." The posting will no longer be visible to students but will be marked as "Inactive" for school admins.


Duplicating a Job Listing

If your job posting period is ending and you need more time:

  • Duplicate the Posting: Go to the Jobs page, select the Action button on the job posting, and choose "Duplicate."

  • Select Schools and Post Again: After duplicating, you can reselect schools and repost the job, extending the application period. For more information on posting a job, please review How to Post Jobs on 12Twenty.


Managing Auto-Renewal

To prevent a job listing from automatically reposting:

  • Edit the Job Post: Open the Jobs tab, select the title of the posting, and click the Action button.

  • Disable Auto-Renewal: Uncheck the option for "Automatically repost my job at the end of the application period" and save your changes.


Job Posting Approvals

Once you submit a job posting:

  • School Approval Process: Your posting is sent to the selected schools for review. Schools have up to 6 days to approve the job. If no action is taken within this time, the posting will automatically go live on the school’s job board.
  • Rejection Notifications: If a school rejects your job posting, you will be notified with the reason provided by the school. Rejected posts cannot be resubmitted, but you can create a new job post for the same position.

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