Custom Report Distribution

Custom Report Distribution allows users to schedule a custom report to be sent to selected career center users at a designated frequency when creating (or editing) the report. Below is an explanation of each distribution setting admins may control for a report. If you would like to enable Custom Report Distribution for your platform, please contact

The Distribution section of a Custom Report allows the creator of the report to control:

  • Career Center Users: Select from the dropdown menu the career center users from your institution that will receive the custom report as an Excel file via Email.

  • Frequency: The frequency of distribution. Options include "Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly".

  • Day of the Week: Select the day of the week the report will be distributed.

  • Expires On: Set an optional expiration date for the distribution.

Pro Tip: If distribution is enabled on a report, the report will have a clock icon next to it.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can the report be sent to users who aren't on the platform?
No, the user must be an administrator on the platform.

When is the report sent?
It sends around 8 am PST on the configured day. For example, if you set it to send weekly on Monday, it will send on Mondays at 8 am PST. At this time, the time the report is sent cannot be adjusted. 

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