Custom Report Distribution

Custom Report Distribution allows users to schedule a custom report to be sent to selected career center users at a designated frequency when creating (or editing) the report. Below is an explanation of each distribution setting admins may control for a report. If you would like to enable Custom Report Distribution for your platform, please contact

The Distribution section of a Custom Report allows for the creator of the report to control:

  • Career Center Users: Select from the dropdown menu the career center users from your institution that will receive the custom report as an Excel file via Email.

  • Frequency: The frequency of distribution. Options include: Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly.

  • Day of the Week: Select the day of the week the report will be distributed.

  • Expires On: Set an optional expiration date for the distribution.

  • Pro Tip: If distribution is enabled on a report, the report will have a clock icon next to it.

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