This article will highlight how to approve both single and multiple outcomes. Outcome approval is always required for Law and Business graduate programs. Undergraduate, Graduate, and other program types do not always require outcome approval.
How to Approve Outcomes
Select Notifications from the left-hand navigation panel and select Outcomes
You will be directed to the Data Validation Page. On the Pending Jobs and Job Offers tab you can view the student’s name on the left and the submitted outcome details on the right.
After reviewing the outcome details. Selecting Approve in the Outcome Details Section.
Select Approve to confirm approval of the pending outcome.
Bulk Approval
To bulk approve pending outcomes on the Data Validation page:
- Individually select the student outcomes you would like to approve, or, If you'd like to select all students with a pending outcome, check the box above the student names. Click Approved Selected to approve.
Admin Actions - Data Validation

Approve: To approve an outcome, select Approve.
Edit: To open the outcome and edit any fields, select Edit.
Email Student: To email, the student, select Email Student.
Profile: To be directed to the student’s profile, select Profile.
Delete: To delete the outcome, select Delete. Note that this action is irreversible.
To exclude the outcome from reporting, uncheck the Include in Reporting box.
Approved Jobs/Job Offers
The Data Validation Page also has an Approved Jobs/Job Offers tab that admins can use to view all approved outcomes.
Admins are able to utilize filters to narrow and organize results, as well as perform actions on each outcome. Such as Unapprove, Edit, or Delete, as well as Email a student or visit the student’s Profile from the Approved Jobs/Job Offers tab of the Data Validation page.
Revoking Approval (Unapproving Outcomes)
Outcomes that were previously approved can be unapproved
- Navigate to a Student's profile
- Locate the Outcome in question
- Select the Unapprove link
- Select Unapprove in the pop-up confirmation
Please Note: Revoking approval on an outcome will appear in the outcome's audit log