Standard Reports - NALP & ABA


Below you can find a guide on how to export both the ABA and NALP reports from the 12twenty system.


Please note: Once exported, the ABA report must be submitted into the EQ portal to finalize the submission process. The NALP reporting can be submitted directly through 12Twenty or emailed to NALP.

ABA Report


As an admin user, navigate to Reports -- Standard Reports -- ABA Report


Submitting Your Report

1. Export Employment Questionnaire Report (ABA Format): This is the button you click to export the official report that you will upload to the ABA EQ portal


2. A pop-up "Generate and Export ABA Report" window will appear allowing you to add filters that match the graduation class and data you want to export data for.

  • Please note: When downloading the official report, select NO for the radio button that says "Include Student Name and ID" to ensure that student identifying data is excluded from the final report.


3. Submit your Employment Questionnaire (EQ) in the ABA Quest System (Video Walkthrough)


Auditing your ABA Data


The reporting options below can be used to audit your overall employment data before you submit your ABA Format Export into the EQ portal. 


1. Export ABA Format with Student Names: Generate a second version of the ABA Format report where "Include Student Name and ID" = Yes as a backup so that you can easily identify which graduates were selected for the Random Graduate Review and for your internal audit purposes.

2. Export Employment Summary Report:  This report is a dynamic replica of the "ABA Summary" report that is downloaded from the EQ portal. It provides a summary of your ABA data by Employment Status, Law School Funded Positions, Employment Type, and Employment Location.



NALP Report


The NALP Report is found in the same place as the ABA Report by selecting Reports -- Standard Reports -- NALP Report tab.


Export NALP Format Report/Submit to NALP: When you are ready to submit your data, similar to the ABA report, you should send a report that excludes student names and IDs. 

  1. You can export the ERSS report from 12Twenty by clicking "Generate Report" and then email it to NALP outside of 12twenty.
  2. You may click on the "Submit Report to NALP" button to generate the properly formatted ERSS report and to submit the report directly to NALP via the system.


Tip: 12Twenty recommends downloading a copy of the NALP report "including student names and IDs" for your records.

Generate and Export Complete NALP Report: This report provides a high level summary of all of the NALP statistics including employment stats by student background and demographic data. This data can be shared with admissions or other teams to highlight the diversity of a graduating class, employment type, and salary ranges.

Need to download audit logs for the ABA Random Graduate Survey? Check out our article on the Outcome Audit Log here.



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