Virtual Zoom Appointments

Your 12twenty platform supports Virtual Appointments by allowing you to link an Appointment Block with a Virtual Meeting platform like Zoom. 12twenty offers a native Zoom Integration but also supports other meeting services. 


  1. Creating a Virtual Appointment Using Zoom
  2. Using Different Conferencing Services
  3. Student & Alumni View
  4. Managing the Zoom Integration


Creating a Virtual Appointment Using Zoom

Creating a Virtual Zoom Appointment is easy! Simply select the "Make it a Zoom Meeting" button when creating an Appointment Block or booking a Single Appointment.

If you still need to set up Zoom for 12twenty, please follow this link to the setup and configuration instructions. 


Using Different Conferencing Services

If your institution uses a conferencing service other than Zoom, there are two ways to specify your virtual meeting room URL:

Option 1
If you use the "Location" free text field, you can add your meeting URL to the "Location" text field shown below:


Option 2
If you use the "Location" drop-down, you can add in each advisor's virtual meeting room URL as a picklist option:


Student & Alumni View

Upon booking a virtual zoom appointment, students and alumni will see the Zoom logo (if applicable) and the advisor's personal meeting room URL. This URL will be added to the "Location" field of the calendar sync object and the .ICS file, along with any notifications.


Managing the Zoom Integration

If you still need to manage your Zoom for 12twenty, please follow this link.

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