Initial Approval of Experiential Learning Request (Admin)

This article covers the Initial Approval of an Experiential Learning Request by an administrator. This process occurs after a student has submitted their EL request.



Initial Approval of Experiential Learning Request (Admin)

When the Career Center admin who processes the initial Experiential Learnings is logged in, they can view all of their pending approvals by completing the below steps. To see which admins are part of the approval flow, visit the Experiential Learning General Site Settings "Approval" section.

  1. Either click on the Notification tab, and select “Experiences” OR click on Experiential Learning on the left-hand navigation, and select the “My Approvals” tab.


  2. From this screen, you can click on the ellipsis button to email an individual student, click on the student’s name to navigate to their profile, or click on the Employer's name to open the details of the reported Experience.

  3. From the Experience, you may review reported details, and by clicking on the “Action” button, you can take the following direction (NOTE: all system-generated email wording can be configured via your Experiential Learning site settings - Notification tab):

    • Approve - Click to approve the student’s initial Experience request.

    • Request Additional Information - If you require further details, you can click on Request Additional Details, where you’ll be able to send an email with the information needed.

      • Please note: If any approver selects “Request Additional Information” the Experience will return to the student to provide requested details, and the student will have to resubmit their request.

    • Deny - Denying a student’s Experience request will stop the approval process, requiring the student to submit a new request.

    • Edit - Modify any of the submitted details.

    • Delete - Remove the Experience altogether from having been reported.

  4. After all the approvers have approved the Experience, the tag will change from "Pending Initial Approval" to "In Progress."


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