OCI Registrations from Employer Users require Career Center User approval. Additionally, an Interview Schedule must be created and released to the Employer. Please review the steps outlined in this resource.
- Approving OCI Registrations
- Creating an OCI Schedule
- Releasing Schedules to Employers
- Notifications
- Frequently Asked Questions
Approving OCI Registrations
As Employers submit their intent to participate in your Career Center's OCI, they will submit an OCI Registration. The OCI Registration collects the OCI Round, Company information, Interview Date preferences, and more. It is important to note that the OCI Registration is not the same as a Job Listing.
- Navigate to Notifications in the left-hand panel or filter for pending OCIs through the OCI and Job Listings Module
- OCI Registrations need to be Approved for Students and Alumni to being applying. The OCI Registration can be edited or rejected as well.
- The Job Posting(s) associated with the OCI Registration also need to be edited, rejected, or Approved.
- The Job Posting(s) will need to be edited and a # of Total Interview Slots must be entered. This value determines how many Applicants can be Extended an Interview and placed on the schedule.
- The Job Posting(s) will need to be edited and a # of Total Interview Slots must be entered. This value determines how many Applicants can be Extended an Interview and placed on the schedule.
Creating an OCI Schedule
Once an OCI Registration and attached Job Listing(s) have been approved, they will need an Interview Schedule created. Interview Schedules support In-Person, Virtual, and Hybrid interviews. Schedules can be created by using saved Schedule Templates or by creating a Custom Schedule. To learn more about Schedule Templates, please review the resource for "Using OCI Schedule Templates".
- After approving both the OCI Registration and OCI Job Posting, a Schedule needs to be created.
- OCI Registrations and linked Job Postings without a schedule are denoted by a red "Schedule Not Released" tag:
- Navigate to the Schedules tab and select + Add Schedule(s)
- Select an existing Template or create a Custom Schedule
- Date: Day of Interview
- Add Schedule Option
- "Use a schedule template" for existing schedules that have been made and saved on your platform.
- Create your own schedule" to start from scratch.
- Time: The start and end time of the interview schedule
- Breaks: Use and create breaks for when you would like to give interviewers a break. For example, you may want a break from 12pm - 1pm for lunch.
- Duration of Slots (min): The length of the interview slot in minutes. The "Number of Slots" will be automatically calculated.
- Number of Slots: The total number of slots available in the schedule. You can use this value and it will automatically calculate the "Duration of Slots (min)."
- Time Between Slots (min): How many minutes there are between slots. For example, you may want 2 - 5 minutes between slots to allow the interviewer to finish their notes and reset.
- Number of Rooms: The number of rooms/copies of this schedule should be applied to this OCI Registration.
- Students per Slot: The number of students that will be interviewing with the same interview at the same time. Use this feature for group interviews.
- Set the Schedule's Room configuration by Assigning a Room or setting the Schedule as Virtual. Rooms can be managed by navigating through Site Management and Manage Rooms.
- A Virtual OCI Schedule will show a blue Virtual Meeting bar across the top of each Room. Use the three-dot action button to + Add a Meeting URL.
- A Virtual OCI Schedule will show a blue Virtual Meeting bar across the top of each Room. Use the three-dot action button to + Add a Meeting URL.
Releasing Schedules to Employers
Employers will need to be informed of their Interview Schedule(s). While employers do not need to be delivered their entire schedule immediately, it is recommended to at least release the date(s) of their interview schedule(s).
- Notify the Employer of the Schedule by informing them of the Interview Date or Release the Entire Schedule
- Interview Date only:
- Release Entire Schedule:
- Interview Date only:
- An Employer notified only of the date will keep the red "Schedule Not Released" tag with a blue schedule bar stating that the "Employer has been notified on [date & time] by [Career Center User]."
- Once a Schedule is fully Released to the Employer a green "Schedule Released" tag will appear.
To review the Notifications delivered to the Employer Users associated with the OCI Registration, please review the "University Admins - OCI & Job Posting Notifications" resource.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't want the Employer to see the full schedule; instead, I just want them to know the date(s) of the interviews -- can I do that?
Yes, please review the "Schedule Release instructions" and only "Notify Employer," instead of using "Release Schedule."
Why can't the Employer submit their OCI Registration?
Please ensure there is an active OCI Round where Employer Registration is active. Please review the "OCI Registration for Employers" resource.