How do I copy an ‘At Grad’ outcome to create a ‘10 Months’ outcome?

Post-JD outcomes can be reported across two Survey Periods, At Graduation or 10 Months to allow you to understand and analyze how a graduate's employment status changed from graduation to 10 months post-graduation.

Converting an 'At Graduation' Outcome to a '10 Months' Outcome

  1. Navigate to the Jobs and Job Offers tab within their Student Profile.
  2. Select the ellipsis icon next to the At Graduation outcome.
  3. Select Copy Outcome from the dropdown menu
  4. Validate that all of the key details from the At Graduation outcome status are accurate or make any necessary changes on the 10 Month outcome survey that appears.
  5. Select the Knowledge Source value that accurately depicts how you verified that this is the correct data for the student's 10 Month outcome status.
  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.
  7. Add an Outcome Note to document your professional judgment and supporting documentation in case of an audit.

Please Note: The Survey Period field will automatically switch to 10 Months on the copied outcome.

The student will now have a 10 Month outcome as well as an At Graduation outcome survey in their Job and Job Offers tab.

Creating a '10-Month' Outcome with 'Employment Status Unknown'

If you need to create a '10-Month' outcome with an 'Employment Status Unknown' classification when the 'At Graduation' outcome was different, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Go to the student's profile and select 'Add Experience or Status'.
  2. Choose the 'Job Phase' as '10 Months After Graduation'.
  3. Select 'Employment Status Unknown' from the options.

This will allow you to record the student's status as unknown without overwriting the existing 'At Graduation' outcome.

Generating a Custom 10-Month Outcome Report

To generate a custom report that includes all the information gathered in your 10-month outcome survey, rather than just the key ABA items, you should use the 'Survey period: 10 months' filter. This will allow you to view the full 10-month report without also including the at-grad report.

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