When a student reports that they are not seeing an available appointment block, check the following to troubleshoot:
Check the “Eligibility” section of the appointment block. To view the appointment block, the student must be included in at least one Student Group listed in the "Eligibility" section. For more information on Student Groups, click here.
Is the appointment block fully booked? Students can not see an appointment block that is unavailable.
Is a site setting blocking them from viewing the appointment? Check the “Student Availability Settings,” the “Enter the number of days prior to an appointment that student may start to book it” setting, and the “Enter the number of hours prior to an appointment when students will no longer be able to book it” setting. For more information on Appointment site settings, click here.
Ask the student for a screenshot of the Appointments page. Have they applied any filters that may be filtering out the appointment block they are looking for? Ensure they are on the “All Appointments” tab, and not the “My Appointments” tab.