Rejecting Employers

Rejecting an employer ensures they are not included in your published Employer Directory. Only approved employers are visible to Student and Alumni users within the Employer Directory and via auto-fill fields like "Employer" on Outcome Surveys.

Rejecting Pending Employers

  1. Select "Notifications", then select "Employers."

  2. You will be directed to the Pending Employers page. On the Pending Employers page, select "Reject" button.

  3. A pop-up will appear to confirm the rejection of the Employer.

  4. The Employer will be transferred to your Rejected Employers in the Employer Directory page (using "Approval Status=Rejected" filter).

Rejecting an Approved Employer

  1. Select the "Employers" module from the left navigation panel, and select the specific Employer's profile by clicking on the Employer name.

  2. Select the "ellipsis" button, then select "Reject."

  3. Confirm rejection by selecting "Reject."

Reminder: To find Rejected employers, use the filter "Approval Status: Rejected" in the Employer Directory.

Bulk Rejecting Employers

To reduce the number of autocomplete options students see when entering their employer information, you can bulk reject employers from the Employer Directory that are not linked to the 12Twenty network. To do this:

  1. Download the Employer CSV template.

  2. Identify the employers you want to reject.

  3. Update the 'Approval Status' column to 'Rejected' for the employers you want to reject.

  4. Upload the updated CSV file to update the employer records.

This will remove the rejected employers from the autocomplete options without impacting any previous student job offers.

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