Deactivating or Reactivating a Job or OCI Posting

Deactivating an OCI job posting or regular Job Posting will set the status of the posting to be “Inactive” and not allow any new students to view or apply to the posting, essentially taking it offline. This may be due to the job being put on hold, or the description/details needing to be updated.


  1. Deactivate a Job or OCI Posting
  2. Reactivate a Job or OCI Posting


Deactivate a Job or OCI Posting

  1. Navigate to the posting you’d like to deactivate

  2. Select the three-dot action button and choose Deactivate

  3. In the confirmation popup modal, click Deactivate


Reactivate a Job or OCI Posting

  1. Navigate to a Job or OCI Posting that has been deactivated. This is denoted by the "Inactive" status indicator.

  2. Select the three-dot action button and choose Make Active

  3. The Job or OCI Posting will refresh and show as active.

    • If the Application Deadline has already passed, the status will update to "Application Closed"

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