Duplicating a Job or OCI Posting

To reactivate a job posting, you can duplicate the existing posting. This article covers how to duplicate a job posting.

How to Duplicate a Job Posting

From the jobs page, locate the job you want to repost and select the action button. Choose the 'Duplicate' option, which will take you to the school selection page. Here, you can review and update the selected schools as needed. Your job posting details will automatically copy over, so you don't have to fill out the form again. Once you've made any necessary changes, you can proceed to repost the job.

Admins and Employers may duplicate Job Postings and OCIs by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Job or OCI posting you would like to duplicate

  2. Select the three-dot action button and choose Duplicate

  3. A confirmation modal will display confirming that you would like to duplicate the posting. To accept, click OK

  4. The page will re-load to a new Job or OCI posting with the title changed to include "Duplicate-" and will be saved as a Draft

  5. Edit the job posting to update information like Application Deadlines and more.

  6. Edits and Approvals

    • Employers will need to edit their job and OCI posting and submit for approval

    • University Admins who have duplicated a posting will need to Edit and Approve the posting.
      Duplicate_Job_Posting_-_Saved.pngCommon edits include:

      • Posting Title

      • Application Deadlines

      • Job Description

      • Student Group selections

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