How to Accept, Unaccept, and Reject Offers

This article highlights how to accept, unaccept, and reject a "Pending" job offer as a student user and as Career Center User, as well as explaining how the "Reason for Rejection" attribute functions. 

1. How to Accept / Unaccept / Reject a job offer as a Student User

2. How to Accept / Unaccept / Reject a job offer as an Admin User

3. How the "Reason for Rejection" attribute functions


How to Accept / Unaccept / Reject a job offer as a Student User:


  • Accept: To report the offer as accepted, select Accept
  •  On the new window that appears enter the additional requested information, and select Accept Offer

  • The outcome will now have an Offer Accepted tag

  •  Unaccept: On an Offer Accepted outcome, you can elect to unaccept the offer, reverting the outcome to Offer Received, by selecting Unaccept after selecting the ellipsis icon

  • Reject: To mark an offer as rejected, select Reject.
  • On the new window that appears enter the reason for rejecting the offer, and select Reject Offer



How to Accept / Unaccept / Reject a job offer as an Admin User:

Admin users can perform the same actions mentioned above on behalf of the student by navigating to the student's profile page on the Jobs and Job Offers tab and selecting the Accept or Reject Button:



How the "Reason for Rejection" attribute functions 

The "reason for rejection" attribute displays when a student submits a "Received Offer" and they click the "Reject" button. "Reason for rejecting" is required when this button is selected in order to move the outcome from received to rejected (rather than received to accepted). 



The "reason for rejection" attribute will not showing up when a user selects "declined job/offer rejected" as the outcome choice, rather than the "Received Offer" option. 


This attribute does not exist on ODA surveys or Outcome Forms aside from students who select "Received Offer" and then select "Reject." If you want this question to appear elsewhere on your outcome form, you will need to create a new custom attribute in your ODA survey and make it a required field.








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