Updating the Admin Dashboard

After a new class has been added to your platform, it's time to update the Admin Dashboard. This will allow you to see current class metrics when you login. To edit the graduation classes that appear on your dashboard, follow the steps below:

1. Select "Settings" from the left navigation panel, and choose "Site Settings. Navigate to "Homepage".

2. Select "Edit" next to the Graduation Class you want to display, then select the job phase you want to display.

Adding Internships:

When selecting "Internship" for the Job Phase field choose an Academic Term that reflects the period of time you would like to view internship statistics for. The options available are based on Academic years available on your platform.

Removing a Graduation Class from your Dashboard

To remove a class from the admin dashboard, select "Edit" from the Graduation Class you wish to remove and select "No" for Display (Program Name) Class of 20XX? 

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