How does an employer register for an OCI?

This article discusses how to register for an On-Campus Interview (OCI) as an employer and how to convert a regular job posting to an OCI job if needed. 


How to Register for an OCI as an Employer

  1. Click OCI and Job Listings on the left navigation panel, and select + Register for OCI

  2. Complete the registration form, and click Next

  3. A popup message will display confirming that the Employer would like to submit registration details for Admin approval

  4. Employers will automatically be directed to the associated Job Posting for their OCI visit for completion and approval by an Admin

  5. Once the OCI registration and Job Posting have been approved by Admins, Employers will receive email notifications for each step informing them of their approval/rejection


How to Convert a Job Posting to an OCI Job Posting

If Employers mistakenly select +Post A Job from the OCI and Job Listings page (thus posting a regular job posting rather than registering for an OCI round), admins may convert their non-OCI job posting to an OCI posting by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the non-OCI posting

  2. Click on the Action button, and select Convert to On-Campus Interview

  3. Admins will then agree to popup messaging that indicates that the application method will be updated

  4. Admins will then complete the OCI registration form 

  5. Admins can complete other OCI tabs as needed (i.e. Schedule)
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