Customize Visibility of 12twenty Jobs

This article highlights how to customize the visibility of 12twenty jobs. Append job and internship opportunities received via the 12twenty Job Network with your school's specific Industry, Function, and Type of Job (or legal employment type, and practice area for law schools). You can also specify Eligibility criteria to target opportunities to specific populations of students. You can specify which student group can access each posting and set the industry and function (or practice area) so 12twenty Jobs appear correctly in job searches and saved search notifications. 


How to Customize Visibility of 12twenty Jobs

  1. From the Detail view of a 12twenty Job Network posting, click Edit in the Eligibility section at the bottom of the tab. 

  2. Fill in the Eligibility criteria. Click Save.

  3. Click Edit in the Additional Details section and fill in the criteria, such as Job Industry and Job Function. Click Save.
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