Finding Jobs Marked as Favorites

12Twenty's filter-based job posting search interface allows students to quickly find jobs they have previously favorited (by clicking the heart icon associated with a job posting).  This article explains the steps a student user must take to set up that search, and save it, so it can be easily accessed on a recurring basis.  

Please note: saved search filters are unique to each user's account, whether they are students or career center users, so it is up to each individual to create their own saved search filters.

  1. On the OCI & Job Listings tab, select + Add Filter

  2. Select Favorite Only? and choose Yes

  3. This set of filters will display all approved and open (because of the default settings) job listings the student has favorited.

  4. To save this filter and make it easily accessible - with a single click - next time you want to do a similar search, select Turn On Email Alerts For This Search.  Now, your Favorite Jobs filter will be available in the My Saved Searches and Alerts
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