Granting Employer Users Access to Job Postings


Job Postings are made available to Employer Users based on three conditions. Primarily, Job Posting availability is managed by an Employer User's User Role as well as whether or not Employer Users have access to Job Postings and, if a Job Posting created by a Career Center User, the post will need to include the Employer User as the Job Posting Owner.


  1. Employer User Role Settings
  2. Enable Job Posting and OCI Access on the Platform
  3. Set Employer User as the Job Posting Owner
  4. Frequently Asked Questions


Employer User Role Settings

Please ensure that Employer Users (or a particular user) is assigned an Employer User Role that grants permission to use the Job Posting module. To configure this, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to Manage Users via Site Management

  2. Select Employers then Roles

  3. Use the three-dot Action Button to Edit the User Role

  4. Ensure that User Can Access Job Listings and/or User Can Access OCI is selected and checked-off

  5. Save


Enable Job Posting and OCI Access on the Platform

Please ensure that the Job Posting module is enabled for Employer Users. Without being enabled, the "Job Posting" tile will not be present on the Employer User's dashboard for your site. To configure this, please follow the steps outlined below:

Note: Your site may have slightly different verbiage or lack "OCI;" however, the steps are the same.

  1. Navigate to Job and OCI Listings settings via Site Management > Site Settings

  2. Ensure that Employer can register for OCI and create job postings is selected and checked-off

  3. Save Changes


Set Employer User as the Job Posting Owner

When a Job Posting is created by an Employer User, they are automatically set as the Job Posting Owner; however, when a Career Center User creates a job posting on behalf of an Employer, they will need to add the Employer User as the "Job Posting Owner." Please note, to be set as a "Job Posting Owner" the Recruiter must have a 12twenty login. Without access, they cannot be set as a Job Posting Owner because they do not have an account. Please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Job Posting
  2. Edit the Job Posting

  3. Scroll to the Job Posting Owner section and use the free-text field to enter the name or email of the Employer User.
  4. Save

If you need additional information about Employer User Accounts, here are some resources for you:


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Recruiter not showing up in the Job Posting Owner field?
This means the Recruiter does not have an Employer User Account or the name/email address associated with the Employer User Account is not the same as the one in your Contact Directory. To resolve this, navigate to your contact directory, search for, and select the Contact you're looking for. If the Contact has a grey box at the bottom of the page, denoting an Employer User Account, please use the name or email address listed in the grey box instead of the information you have for the Contact Record.

Why can't or can a Recruiter see their colleagues' Job Postings?
The selection for "Job Posting from Same Employer" selection for the Employer User Role controls whether or not a Recruiter can see Job Postings from other users within their Company.

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