Job Listing Site Settings

This article outlines the site settings admins can configure for the Job Listings module. To navigate to the job listings site settings page, select “Site Settings” from the left-hand navigation panel and select Job Listings under Career Services Management.


  1. Career Center Contact for Job Postings Settings
  2. Employer Settings
  3. Student Availability Settings
  4. Application Documents
  5. Default Settings
  6. Interview Slots
  7. Notification Messages Settings
  8. Access Controls and Notifications
  9. Module Customization


Career Center Contact for Job Postings Settings

To assign a Career Center Contact, that will be the job post point of contact for students and employers, fill in their information under Career Center Contact for Job Postings and select Save Changes


Please note: if you want to receive the OCI notification for "employer confirms interview decision" you need to fill out these fields.


Employer Settings

This section allows you to enable or disable the Job Postings module for employer users. 


Student Availability Settings

This section allows you to enable or disable the Job Postings module for a specific graduation class. Note that all grad classes are enabled by default, so this section simply offers a quick way to remove access to this module for a graduation class. To disable access: select a program and grad year, uncheck the “Can Access Job Postings” setting, and select “Save Changes”. This will remove the “Job Postings” option from the student’s left-hand navigation panel.


Application Documents

This option allows you to set the default application required documents for each job post. 


Default Settings

Application period in # of days for non-OCI job postings: 

If a number is input into this setting, the system will default the date the job posting form is initiated as the Application Start Date. The Application Deadline Date will be calculated based on the number input here. By leaving the box empty, there will be no default Application Start or End date.

Start time for non- OCI job postings:

This will determine the default application start time for non-OCI job postings when an Employer or Admin creates a job.

Deadline time for non-OCI job postings:

This will determine the default application deadline for non-OCI job postings when an Employer or Admin creates a job.

Allow Employers to edit default application start time and end time for non-OCI job postings:

This will control the Employer’s ability to change the default application start time and deadline time for non-OCI job postings. Please note this setting will not affect the default times.



Interview Slots

This section allows admins to add a buffer between interview timeslots or set an expiration for pending interview timeslot swap requests. If you add a value to the time slot buffer, when possible,  the system will avoid scheduling an interview adjacent to another event that occurs within the buffer time.  



Notification Messages Settings

This section allows admins to add a notification to the student, employer, and admin Job Posting Landing page. 



Access Controls and Notifications

This section allows admins to manage access and notifications for the OCI and Job listings tab. Please review all options and select or deselect the checkboxes depending on your preferences and click Save Changes.



Module Customization

This section allows university admins to change the name of the OCI and Job Listings Module. For example, if your university does not utilize OCI at this time, you may want to rename this module to "Job Board" or "Job Listings."

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