Your recruiters have access to a 12twenty Employer User Account, allowing them to continue and expand their relationship with your career center. Along with access to your career center's 12twenty site, recruiters can utilize 12twenty for Employers to manage their company's presence throughout the 12twenty network and ensure all of their recruiters have the correct level of access.
Employer User Accounts and access to 12twenty for Employers will help your career center keep close relationships with your active list of recruiter contacts and help expand your portfolio by sharing your career center with University Recruiting teams across 12twenty's expansive global network.
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help our 12twenty for University partners better understand the functionality of 12twenty for Employers.
What is an Employer User Account?
Employer User Accounts grant recruiters and other hiring professionals access to your 12twenty recruiting site and 12twenty for Employers. This will allow recruiters to post jobs, register for on-campus interviews/recruiting, host events, register for career fairs, and more!
Are our contacts required to have an Employer User Account?
No. An Employer User Account is not required for recruiters to utilize your platform for their university recruiting efforts. Without an Employer User Account, recruiters will need to contact your career center team and send the details for their job postings, events, or other registrations. Without using an Employer User Account, the recruiter will be unable to be assigned the "Owner," role and will be unable to export their own resume and application document packets.
How does 12twenty use Employer User Account data?
We use recruiter data to power various mechanisms throughout 12twenty. This includes:
- Connecting the recruiter to the correct Employer
- Representing the recruiter and their employer within 12twenty partner sites
- Granting access to Employer Managed Profiles
- Allowing recruiters who work at the same company to share their job postings and events
- Enable multi-site job postings, Global Candidate Search, and more.
How do our recruiters sign-up?
By visiting your 12twenty site's hiring platform, the recruiter will select "Sign up for an account," if they do not already have an Employer User Account or sign-in using their 12twenty for Employers Single Sign-On email address and password.
To manage and clean up your employer data in the 12Twenty system, you can develop a protocol for approving new employers, merging duplicate employers, and correctly placing employers that are part of a parent organization. When approving new employers, you can use the 'merge' function to check if the employer already exists in the system.
What benefit does 12twenty for Employers access give my recruiters?
Access to 12twenty for Employers empowers University Recruiting teams with the tools to create a cohesive company presence across all of 12twenty. For small and large employers alike, the ability to publish and maintain consistent messaging and branding is imperative to their recruiting success.
Why was 12twenty for Employers created?
Feedback from employers like small family law practices to Fortune 500 companies led to the creation of 12twenty for Employers. They needed a centralized place to manage their presence across 12twenty, administer and control access for their recruiting teams, and the ability to build relationships with career centers that they have not partnered with in the past. Employer User Account access also encourages recruiters to be more active with your career center by granting them access to Candidate Search, downloading their own Resume Books, and exporting applications from their job postings.
How does 12twenty for Employer connect recruiters to our career center?
Outside of the relationships with recruiters that you already have, Employer Users can use the "School Directory" module to discover and connect to new career centers like yours! With access to your 12twenty site's hiring portal, recruiters will be able to post jobs, host events, register for career fairs, and more without a fee from 12twenty.
By selecting your career center, the recruiter's browser immediately opens a new tab and connects them with your career center. You will receive a notification for a new contact and you may also receive a notification for a new employer.
Will 12twenty use our career center's private notes, communications, and other data points for marketing or other 12twenty communications?
No. At 12twenty, the career center owns its own data - for students, alumni, and employers alike. Instead, 12twenty uses information collected during a recruiter's sign-up for an Employer User Account and data collected throughout the relationship the employer or recruiters may have with 12twenty for Employers. Data integrity and protection are crucial to 12twenty's ethos. Data collected during a recruiter's creation of an Employer User Account includes:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Job Title
- Employer Name