Branding Your Site

12twenty provides you with a platform that allows you to include your own branding through a custom site name, acronym, colors, and images. 



  1. Site Name and Acronym
  2. Site Colors
  3. Site Logo & University Logo
  4. Site Background Image

For any guidance or suggestions, please reach out to your Implementation Manager or contact the 12twenty Support Team by creating a new request.  



Site Name and Acronym

Your 12twenty site's name and acronym can be configured by the 12twenty team. To do so, please submit a request through the 12twenty Academy or contact your Implementation Manager. 


Site Colors

Your 12twenty site's colors are customizable and can be configured by the 12twenty team. To do so, please submit a request through the 12twenty Academy or contact your Implementation Manager. 



While you can use any colors on your site, we recommend ensuring that the colors you select have a high contrast ratio that adheres to or exceeds WCAG recommendations. You can check your chosen colors contrast against a white background (#FFFFFF) by using a WCAG Checker like WebAIM.


Site Logo & University Logo

Site Logo Sign-In Page Left-Hand Navigation Panel

Used for the image on the sign-in modal and the left-hand navigation panel

mceclip0.png mceclip1.png


School Logo Applicant Packet Export Resume Book Download
The school logo is used for various items throughout your site including Resume Books and Application Packets mceclip2.png mceclip3.png


Logos can be uploaded via Site Management > Site Settings > "General" Section > "Site Branding"


Image Requirements

  • Image Size: 180x45
  • File Types Accepted: gif, png
  • Max File Size: 25kb

Note - Please ensure that you are using an image with a transparent background


Site Background Image

The login screen window is responsive; therefore, the page will keep the center of the image in the center of the screen but will expand outward depending on the user's screen size. Therefore, any element of the image that you would like to keep in view should be in the center of the image, or as close to it as possible.

"Student Groups" can now dictate what images and branding your Students or Alumni will see. Please review the following resource to learn more: Site Branding

Image Requirements

  • Image Format: JPG
  • Max File Size: 800kb
  • Max Image Dimensions: 1920x1080
  • Minimum Image Dimensions: 1280x800


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