Experiential Learning: Faculty Supervisors and Approvers

In addition to the standard experience Supervisor, the Experiential Learning module also supports adding Faculty Supervisors. Students can indicate if a faculty supervisor, such as a Department Head or sponsoring professor, is overseeing their experience.

  1. Using Faculty Supervisors and Faculty Approvers
  2. Associating with an Experience Type Approval Process
  3. Adding a Supervisor or Faculty Supervisor to the Approval Flow
  4. FAQ:

Using Faculty Supervisors and Faculty Approvers

Both supervisors and faculty supervisors must be added as contacts under the "Contact Directory" on your site by either a student or admin user. When a student or admin is filling out an Experiential Learning "New Experience", you can add a new Supervisor or Faculty Supervisor to the form using the "+ Add New" option from the dropdown menu that appears. For the Faculty Supervisor, you can add a company to your "Employer Directory" such as "Prestigious University Art Department" and add the Faculty Supervisor as a contact. Please note: Faculty supervisors should not be added as Career Center Users.


To make the Faculty Supervisor field visible and required only for certain student groups in the Experiential Learning module, go to the Site Settings > Experiential Learning > Attributes section. Locate the 'EL Faculty Approver' attribute and ensure the 'Visible For' field is set to the specific student groups that should have access to this field. Then, set the 'Required' field to 'On' to make the Faculty Supervisor information mandatory for those student groups when submitting an experience. This will ensure the field is only visible and required for the intended student groups.

Associating with an Experience Type Approval Process

You can associate faculty supervisors or employer supervisors with a specific experience type approval process. This can be done by going to Site Management General Site Settings, for "Experiential Learning." For example, you can toggle "Experience Types" to "Internship".


Once "Internship" is selected, you can scroll down to "Approval" and create your approval process.

Adding a Supervisor or Faculty Supervisor to the Approval Flow

Admins are able to integrate the Faculty Supervisor into the approval flow for initial and/or final approval as needed. To enable this functionality, navigate to the Attributes tab of the Experiential Learning site settings page and enable the fields under the new 'EL Faculty Approver' section. To add Faculty Supervisors to the approval flow, navigate to the General tab of the Experiential Learning site settings page and edit the Approval section as needed.



Why can't I see Faculty Supervisor on the "+New Experience" Form?

This may occur if Faculty Supervisor is not enabled on your site.

To enable Faculty Supervisor, navigate to the Attributes tab of the Experiential Learning site settings page and edit the Approval section as needed. Toggle "Show Enabled Only" to "Off."


Scroll to the bottom of the list under "EL Faculty Approver"


Click into each disabled attribute to enable it, make it visible to students, and save.


Why are Faculty Supervisors contacts and not Career Center Users?

Faculty supervisors are considered contacts for experiential learning because experiential learning references the contact directory. To best normalize the names of the departments within your institution and your 12twenty site, we recommend creating each department, such as "Prestigious University Art Department", so that students have more information when creating a new faculty supervisor contact.

Can Faculty Supervisors see documents and forms uploaded by students?

No, if you would like Faculty Supervisors to see documents and forms uploaded, please reach out to support@12twenty.com.

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