SAML Certificate Update - October 2023


As of October 22, 2023 the 12twenty SAML Metadata will have an updated certificate. This update requires an update for most partners who use a SAML Integration: Shibboleth or Azure. 


An update to 12twenty's SAML Metadata requires your attention. The current SAML certificate used for your platform's SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) expires on October 24, 2024.

An updated SAML Certificate is already available. Please contact your IT Department or Team that manages your Career Center's SSO and provide them with a link to this article. 

Some platforms will not be required to perform an update and can continue to use 12twenty SSO without any changes. If your platform meets one of the following criteria, an update is not required.

  • Your 12twenty SSO configuration uses InCommon
  • You do not use 12twenty's Public Certificate to verify requests coming from 12twenty to your IDP.


Updating the 12twenty Certificate

To update the 12twenty Public Certificate, please following the steps below:

  1. Between September 14, 2023 and October 9, 2023, retrieve the new Public Certificate by downloading the updated Metadata at the following URL:
  2. Upload the updated Metadata or Public Certificate into your IDP's SAML verification certificate configuration alongside the existing Certificate. DO NOT REMOVE THE EXISTING CERTIFICATE.
  3. Anytime after October 23, 2022, you may remove the old Certificate.



The new certificate must be uploaded to your IDP configuration by October 9, 2023. 


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