Employer Guide to Interviews using In-App Video

This article offers a complete guide for Employers utilizing In-App Video for Interviews. 


Employer Guide to Interviews

  1. Check your inbox for an email from notifications@{siteURL}.12twenty.com. {SiteURL} should be replaced with the site name, i.e. notifications@prestigiousburns.12twenty.com.

  2. The email will contain a link to the job posting (which you must be logged in to view), the interview times, the link to the interview experience page, and links to add the interview to your Google or Outlook calendar. Click the link highlighted in pink below to access the Interview Experience page. Please note: The Interview link can only be accessed from this email. Scheduled interviews will only show on the Interview Experience page on the day of the interview. 

  3. After clicking the link, you will be redirected to your Interview Experience Page. You can select Join Interview Room to join your interview.

  4. Before joining, you will have the option to test your audio and video. You can also select the More button to update your name and your settings.

  5. After joining the interview, you will see badges such as Waiting for Applicant, In Waiting Room, and Applicant Joined.

  6. When an applicant requests to join, they will enter a waiting room. You can select Allow to admit them to your current interview room.
    Please note: If you are already in an interview with another student, you will want to wait until the student has left to allow the other student to join or the student will join your current interview.

  7. You will be able to view the applicant's resume by selecting View Application.

  8. Interview Reminders will be sent to let you know if your current interview is about to end and if your next one is about to begin. 
    • Interview Ending reminder: This interview is scheduled to end in 5 minutes.
    • Next Interview reminder: Your next interview is scheduled to begin in 2 minutes.

When user leaves a call, they are directed back to the lobby with the next interview info pulled up.

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