Using 12twenty's Asana


To best guide you through your Implementation, 12twenty uses Asana to help manage tasks, responsibilities, due dates, resources, and more. Asana is free to use as a part of 12twenty Implementation and Onboarding. We're excited to share this tool with you and your team. 

This is an easy and simple tool that helps save you and your team time by clearly outlining the steps and tasks of implementing 12twenty for your Career Center. 

If you've already had your Kick-Off and met your Implementation Manager, you may already have an invite to your Asana Project. Please create an account and start exploring!

1. Head to your inbox to find your Asana Invite
This will follow the format of "[Implementation Manager Name] via Asana" and will be from ""

2. Open the Asana invite email

3. Click on "Accept Invite"
This action will forward you to

4. Select your preferred sign-up method

5. Configure your account
Add your full name and create a secure password

6. Once you're in Asana and on your 12twenty Implementation Project, select "Overview"

7. Click on "See More" to review the entire 'Welcome Message.'
The Welcome Message includes tips & tricks for Asana and information about your Project and Project Roles.

8. Add Project Roles to your users

9. Click on "Add role"

10. Enter the applicable Project Role

11. Click on "List" to view all steps included in your Implementation
The "List" view also includes due dates, assignees, and resources

12. Start completing Tasks|
If you've already met your Implementation Manager for your Kick-Off but the Task hasn't been completed, feel free to mark it done.

13. Begin scheduling your meetings
Use the URLs provided for each available "MEETING" and “Training” to schedule calls with your Implementation Manager. 
To ensure that your Implementation remains within your timeline, please be sure to schedule each meeting on or before the listed "Due date."

14. Complete the "Schedule: Consulting and Strategy + Training" Task
Please only complete this task if you have scheduled all the Consulting, Strategy, and Training calls listed in your Implementation timeline.



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