Job IQ

Below is a summarized guide to help you understand what’s included, how data is selected, and the rules that govern its presentation. 


  1. What is Job IQ?
  2. What Each Section Shows
  3. What Outcomes Are Included in Job IQ?
  4. How is Data Visibility Determined?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

What is Job IQ?

Job IQ provides comprehensive insights into employment outcomes, including offers, compensation trends, and negotiation data. Job IQ can be found on the Employer profile "Job IQ" tab. Job IQ can be found on the Employer profile "Job IQ" tab.


What Each Section Shows


  • Data reflects hires from the past year (365 days) and the last five years.
  • Includes rankings for the top 100 employers within these timeframes.


  • Displays compensation details, including salary and bonuses, from the past five years.
  • Attributes such as relocation reimbursement are shown only if they’ve been reported.
  • The system dynamically updates the attributes based on data availability, ensuring only relevant details are shown.


  • Tracks salary and signing bonus increases from negotiated offers.
  • Includes average percentage increases for offers where negotiation data is available.
  • The system calculates this based on fields such as "Did you negotiate any part of your offer?" and salary changes (before/after).


  • Shows work authorization, gender, and ethnicity data, provided the 12twenty Job IQ Demographics setting is enabled.

What Outcomes Are Included in Job IQ?

Job IQ includes employment data based on the following criteria:

  • Outcome Types: Jobs and internships (when the job phase is Internship).
  • Offer Status: Only accepted offers are included.
  • Approval and Reporting Status: Offers must meet the site's approval and "Included in Reports" settings.
  • Job Phases: Covers both Internship and Post-Graduation phases, adhering to site-specific inclusion/exclusion Insufficient Data (I/D) rules
  • Student Data Access: Data visible to students is restricted to what’s enabled in the "ODA Access" site settings.

These settings ensure that only the most relevant and approved data is reflected in reports.

How is Data Visibility Determined?

Data Source Rules

The visibility of data depends on the settings for 12twenty network participation. If network data sharing is not enabled for your institution, the "Data Source" section will not appear. When enabled:

  • Public networks (e.g., 12twenty - US Network) are available to all participating institutions.
  • Private networks are visible only if your institution participates in them. 

To see the Data Source selections, select the pencil icon next to the data source:

Next, you'll see a menu where you can select your data source:

This screenshot is for demonstration purposes only. Options available on your site may vary.

If data from the selected source is insufficient, the system applies a fallback mechanism, progressively broadening the scope:

  1. Site Instance Employer12twenty Network EmployerSite Instance Industry12twenty Network Industry.

For example, if the data available on your platform does not meet the insufficient data minimum, the data source will automatically switch to the 12twenty network. 

Dynamic Data Updates

If a user selects “View more” or adjusts filters (e.g., data source or job phase), the system checks data availability:

  • Sufficient Data: The Job IQ options collapse and the updated data is displayed.
  • Insufficient Data: The Job IQ options remain open, and a message appears: “We couldn’t find enough data for the selected option.”

Program-Specific Data Rules

  • Business and Law Schools: Displays data specific to the student's program.
  • Undergraduate (CW): Data is limited to the first college/school linked to the student’s profile.

Admins viewing data bypass these restrictions, seeing all available information regardless of filters or settings. Please note: this can result in differences when viewing Job IQ as a student or an admin. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why might the "Hires" tab show more hires than Job IQ?
    The "Hires" tab includes all reported hires, regardless of the offer status or date filters. However, Job IQ only includes hires with an "Offer Accepted" date that meets the site’s specific inclusion settings. Additionally, filters such as the selected data source or job phase can further narrow the data visible in Job IQ, leading to differences between the two tabs.

  2. Why aren’t “During School Jobs” included in Job IQ?
    Job IQ focuses on career outcomes tied to internships and post-graduation roles that reflect the program’s long-term career impact. "During School Jobs" are excluded because they often represent part-time or transitional roles taken during the program, which do not align with the goals of post-graduation career tracking. This ensures Job IQ highlights employment outcomes directly linked to the program’s success.

  3. How can I troubleshoot why some outcomes aren't included in Job IQ?
    To troubleshoot missing outcomes, create a custom report that includes the fields required for inclusion in Job IQ. These fields include:

    • Outcome Type (e.g., Job or Internship when the Job Phase is Internship).

    • Offer Status (must be "Accepted").

    • Approval Status (based on site settings for including unapproved offers).

    • Included In Reporting (set to "Included in Reports").

    • Job Phase (Internship or Post-Graduation).

By pulling these fields into your report, you can identify which outcomes may not meet the inclusion criteria and adjust them as needed. This ensures all eligible outcomes are accurately reflected in Job IQ. 

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