Resume Books allow Employers to quickly download selections of Resumes based on various factors like Graduation Year, Clubs & Organizations, and more. Resume Book subjects are determined by the Career Center and Students/Alumni have the ability to select which Resume Books they would like their information included in. Please note that Resume Book eligibility is restricted by Student Group; therefore, not all Resume Books on your platform may be available to all Student and Alumni Users.
Creating a Resume Book
Select the Resume Books module from the left navigation panel.
Select “+New Resume Book”
Enter the Basics information:
Name: Set a title for the Resume Book that is visible to career center users, students and employers.
Academic Year: Select the Academic year from the drop down menu.
Student Description: The student description is only visible to student users.
Employer Description: Enter a description of the resume book that is visible only to employer users.
Enter the Application Dates: Select the start and end date students can apply to the resume book.
Pay close attention to the Who Can View & Apply Information.
Having “The same group of students can view and apply” option selected allows the selected Student Group(s) to both view the resume book and apply to it.
Deselecting “The same group of students can view and apply” option allows admins the option of separating who can view the resume book from who can apply to the resume book.
Enter the Administrative Settings:
Require approval when students apply to this resume book: If Yes is selected, student applicant resumes will require approval by an admin before being included in this resume book. If No is selected, student submitted resumes will automatically be included in the resume book.
Allow students to initially submit resumes in Microsoft Word file format: When enabled, students will be able to upload any file type when submitting their application to this resume book, to allow for edits made by career center users. In order to approve a resume, the file must be in PDF format; it will need to be converted before being approved and included in the resume book.
Are students able to download and view resume applicants once it is published and archived: This will determine whether or not student users have the ability to view and download resumes when the resume book is in the ‘Published’ and ‘Archived’ state.
Allow students to apply even when the resume book is published: If set to Yes students will have the ability to apply to the resume book after it is in the ‘Published’ state. If set to No, students will not be allowed to apply to the resume book once it is published.
Is this resume book visible to Employers: This will determine whether or not employer users have the ability to view the resume book at any time. If enabled, the employer will be able to view the resume book while in ‘Published’, ‘Unpublished’ and ‘Archived’ states. An employer can only download a resume book if it has been published.
Select Save.