Employer Profile Audit Log

This article covers how to view and export an employer profile audit log.

The employer profile audit log provides admins with a complete history of edits related to an employer profile. Each entry in the audit log provides details on the action that was taken, the user that triggered the change, and a date/timestamp of when the change was made.

Navigating to an employer profile audit log:

  1. Select any employer from the Employer Directory.
  2. In the upper right hand corner, select the more actions icon > View Audit Log.
  3. The audit log will open in a new window.

Audit Log Actions

  1. Select the + icon next to an audit log entry to expand the entry and view further details.
  2. Select the - icon to collapse an entry.
  3. Alternatively, select Expand All to expand all entries in the audit log.
  4. Select Export to download a .csv file with all of the information presented in the audit log for your records.

What is included in the audit log?

The following action types are recorded in the audit log. Please note that the employer profile audit log was launched on March 3rd, 2021 and only actions taken after this date are captured and stored.

  • new employer created (i.e. how was this employer first created in the system)
  • Approvals, Merges, and Rejections by admins
  • any edit to the profile (includes both standard and custom attribute edits)
  • updates to the Employer Link
  • enable/disable of AutoSync (also includes any edits that are triggered by an employer user managing a profile where AutoSync is enabled)
  • any edit made via the API or the Bulk Employer Update Tool

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