Appointment Location Type

Location Type controls for Appointments enhance flexibility for administrators and students by allowing advisors to configure appointment blocks to specify In-Person, Virtual, or Hybrid locations with streamlined inputs tailored to each type.


Location Type Overview

Location Types:

  • In-Person: For physical appointments, with options for predefined locations or free text entry
  • Virtual: For online appointments, supporting integrations like 12twenty Video or personal meeting URLs
  • Hybrid: Combines both In-Person and Virtual options, allowing users to select their preferred format

The available fields in the Location section dynamically adjust based on the selected Location Type:

There are two attributes assigned to an "In-Person" Location Type

  • Location Picklist
  • Enter custom addresses via a free text field

Your site configuration may contain only one of the attributes listed above. If your location picklist is missing values, please contact your Site Administrator if you are unable to make changes to picklists yourself.

Your platform may not include access to In-App Video. Please reach out to your Site Administrator or 12twenty Success Manager for additional information. To update your linked video conferencing information, please refer to the Virtual Meeting Room Configuration resource.

  • Use 12twenty In-App Video
  • Provide a personal virtual meeting URL (e.g., Zoom or Teams link)
  • Select from a list of options (picklist)
  • Enter custom virtual location information in a free text field

Includes both Virtual and In-Person options, with distinct fields listed above for each


Configuration Instructions

Configure Location Options
Based on the selected Location Type, configure one of the following attributes via Appointment Attributes on the "Appointment Block" form:

  • Location (Picklist): Use a predefined list of locations mapped to the selected type.
  • Location (Free Text): This attribute allows advisors to manually enter their preferred location when creating an Appointment Block.

The Location attributes must be enabled or disabled individually.

Creating Location Picklist Options
The Location attribute that uses a picklist supports custom values that can be configured. These values are often used by advisors to set the In-Person location for their Appointment Block(s). When configuring Location options, a Core Location value of "In-Person" or "Virtual" must be selected. The selection made will determine if the Location value will appear for "In-Person" and "Hybrid" or "Virtual" and "Hybrid."


Select Location Type (Appointment Blocks)
To use a selected Location Type attribute while creating an Appointment Block, configure the Location section using the following workflow:

  • Navigate to the Appointments module.
  • Create a new Appointment Block or edit an existing one.
  • In the Location section (below "Basic Information"), select a Location Type: In-Person, Virtual, or Hybrid

Personal Meeting URLs are available to users who have configured their Virtual Meeting URL through Account Settings.


Student and Administrator Experience

Students booking an appointment can view the available location options based on the admin-defined settings. In Hybrid blocks, students choose their preferred format (In-Person or Virtual).

Administrators and Advisors:
Advisors must select a Location Type and configure relevant fields when creating or editing Appointment Blocks. 


Location Type Advanced Details

Location Values
Each Location Type presents a pre-determined set of options based on a Core list. The Appointment Location Type Core value list can be reviewed via:

  1. Site Management > Site Settings
  2. Appointments > Picklists
  3. Select Consolidated Appointment Location Type

The Consolidated Appointment Location Type picklist is not editable and is core to the platform. The three consolidated values are used in the Location Type picklist.

Creating a custom Location value will require users to select a Core Location Type that will assign the new value to either:

  • In-Person and Hybrid
  • Virtual and Hybrid


Appointment Block Selection
Advisors creating an Appointment Block will select either "In-Person," "Hybrid," or "Virtual." The attributes present below each selection are determined by the Core Location Type that is selected. 

  • In-Person: Location as a picklist or Location as free-text
  • Virtual: 12twenty Video, Virtual Meeting URL, Location as free-text
  • Hybrid: All options from both In-Person and Virtual
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