Creating Recurring Appointment Blocks

 Recurring Appointment Blocks allow Advisors and Coaches to quickly create recurring availability for appointments via the Appointment Module. This article will highlight how to create, edit, and delete recurring Appointment Blocks.


  1. Creating a Recurring Appointment Block
  2. Editing Recurring Appointment Blocks
  3. Deleting Recurring Appointment Blocks


Creating a Recurring Appointment Block

  1. Navigate to the Appointments page, and either select the “+Create a Block” button or click and drag directly on the calendar to create a block.

  2. Fill out the details of the block, and use the “Occurs” option to convert the Appointment Block to Recurring. All appointment blocks are defaulted to appear one time, but you may also select weekly to make the block repeat on a weekly basis. 

  3. Input an "End Date" to set the calendar date for when the Recurring Appointment Block will end. For example, if you select "May 15, 2023," the Recurring Appointment Block will repeat until May 15, 2023. All dates after May 15th will not have the recurring block.
    A common End Date is the last day of each semester or term.

  4. Selecting values for "Occurs On" will determine which days of the week the Recurring Appointment Block will appear.

  5. Select "Create Block" to save and publish the Recurring Appointment Block.


Editing Recurring Appointment Blocks

  1. Select the appointment block you wish to edit. On the window that appears, select the more actions button (3 dots) on the top right corner and select"Edit Block"

  2. Make changes and select "Save Block"
    Note: Editing a recurring block only edits the specific block you select. It does not edit other blocks in the recurring series. To change all blocks in a recurring series, delete the entire series using the instructions below and re-create the series to your specifications.


Booking Rules

Booking Rules to apply to each block in the series. You can set the buffer (minutes) you'd like between each block or the maximum number of appointments for each block. For example, if you had a recurring appointment block on Wednesdays from 10 am - 12 pm, then students would be able to book 3 appointments for each Wednesday that is included in the series.



Deleting Recurring Appointment Blocks

Deleting Recurring Appointment Blocks:

To learn how to delete both Recurring and One-Time-Only Appointment Blocks, please click here.

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