The Appointment Page layout can be changed easily to help you visualize appointment blocks and appointments as clearly as possible.
Use the view selector at the top-right corner of the Appointment Page to adjust your view.
View Selector
The View Selector in the top right-hand corner of the Appointment Calendar allows you to select the View Type for your Calendar (List, Month, Week, or Day) as well as the Record Type you would like to include (Appointments, Appointment Blocks, or Personal Events). By removing a Record Type from you view, that type of record will no longer appear until selected. For example, if you de-select "Appointments," then all student appointments will be removed from your view, regardless of the View Type you have selected. |
Calendar View
This resembles the layout of a paper planner. Every day of the month is listed, regardless if there are any appointment blocks on that day. Available blocks are a light gray color, and booked appointments are blue. With this setting, you can click directly on the calendar to take actions such as creating or editing a block, or booking an appointment for a student.
Calendar View Types:
- Day
- Week
- Month
Day View
You are able to view Appointment Blocks and Scheduled Appointments for a single day. This view also has a time column on the left-hand side.
Week View
You are able to view a standard Sunday through Saturday calendar week, and there is an added time column on the left-hand side. Both Appointment Blocks and Scheduled Appointments are visible.
Month View
You are able to view the entire month. Both Appointment Blocks and Scheduled Appointments are visible.
List View
List View only shows the days that have available Appointment Blocks. It includes the time of the block, the academic adviser, the appointments included in the block, and the status of the block. On this view, you can register a student for an appointment, or edit an existing appointment by clicking on the specific appointment.