User Time Zone Support

Your 12twenty platform can recognize your location based on the location data provided by your browser. The platform will ask all users to update their time zone when your 12twenty platform recognizes that a user is in a different time zone than they were in during their last login session. 

Time Zone Support.png

Using a VPN, private browser, ad-blocking plug-ins, and similar applications can interfere with the platform's ability to recognize that a user is in a new time zone. 



Each site has a preset default time zone that is configured for the geographic location of the University, Career Center, or Organization.

Users can change their time zone when logging into the platform from a new time zone or via Account Settings. 


Time Zones are supported for all user types, all modules, and functions including:

  • Audit Logs
  • Calendar Sync
    • Calendar Events synched to and from the 12twenty calendar are sent as UTC which allows the user's Personal/Work calendar to determine the correct time zone based on the user's current location.
  • Schedules
  • Appointments
    • Example: An advisor's Appointment Block is available from 12pm - 3pm PT. A student in New York City would see that the advisor's availability is 3pm - 6pm ET.
  • Events
    • Example: A virtual Company Chat is scheduled for 3pm ET. A student in Los Angeles would see the event scheduled for 12pm PT.
  • Job Listings and OCI
    • This includes postings from the Job Network, Multi-School Interviews, and the 12twenty Job Feed.
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