There are two ways admins can create an appointment block:
Select the “+Block” button at the top of the appointments page, or click and drag your mouse over an area on the calendar, and select “Create Appointment Block” on the confirmation window that appears.
2. Make your selections on the Create Appointment Block page.
- Date and Time: Choose the date, start time, and end time for the appointment block.
- Occurs: Decide whether the appointment block is to take place one time or weekly. To learn more about recurring/weekly appointment blocks, click here.
- Career Adviser: This will always default to the adviser that is currently logged in. Use the drop-down to assign appointment blocks to another career center adviser.
- Office hours: An appointment block that is reserved for walk-ins. This appointment block may not be booked, it is simply a way to show that walk-ins are available.
- Type: You can assign one or more appointment type for your appointment block that students can choose when booking an appointment.
- Location: You can choose the location of the appointment.
- Eligibility: In order to view the appointment block the student must be included in at least one Student Group listed in the "Eligibility" section. For more information on Student Groups, click here.
3. Once all the fields marked with an (*) are filled out, select the “Create Block” option to publish the appointment block.