Configuring Majors and CIP Codes

This guide explains the purpose and requirements for each column in the Majors/CIP Codes template. Use this as a reference when completing the fields to ensure accurate and organized data entry. Additionally, this guide can assist you in configuring majors directly in your site if you prefer to enter them manually rather than using the template.


  1. READ FIRST: Important Instructions 
  2. Column A: Major/Academic Program
  3. Column B: CIP Codes (Optional)
  4. Column C: Consolidated Undergraduate Major
  5. Column D: Core Undergraduate Major
  6. Column E: Type - Data Validation 


READ FIRST: Important Instructions

  • Use this template to list majors and academic programs. Degree levels will be configured using a separate picklist and should not be added to this template
  • Include both undergraduate and graduate majors/academic programs, and ensure they match the exact spelling in your SIS or registrar’s data.
  • For ‘Column B CIP Codes’, please note that this column is optional unless you are reporting to NACE. Use the official CIP Code directory to find matching codes if needed.
  • For ‘Column E: Type - Data Validation’ you may have to select "Other" for most majors 
  • For ‘Column D: Core Undergrad Major’ you may not find a 1:1 match with your majors. Please use your best judgment or use the ‘Other’ options as needed. 
  • ‘Column D: Core Undergrad Major’ and 'Column E: Type - Data Validation’ have locked picklists that cannot be changed

Once you have completed the Majors/CIP Codes template, submit it to your onboarding manager. They will ensure that the majors and academic programs are uploaded to your site.

Below is a description of each column in the template, including its purpose, instructions for completion, and examples. At the bottom of this article you will find the template for download.



Column A: Major/Academic Program

  • Purpose: Sets distinct majors/academic programs that will appear in the student profile, in reports, filters, etc. 
  • What to do: Enter the names of all  majors/academic programs exactly as spelled in your SIS or registrar data.. This field may include both undergraduate and graduate majors or programs.
  • Example
    • Economics
    • Speech Communication
    • Accounting 



Column B: CIP Code (Optional)

  • Purpose: Assigns a Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code to each major. 
  • What to do: This is an optional field. If you plan to report data to NACE, this column must be completed. Use the official CIP Code directory to find matching codes for your majors.
  • Example:
    • Economics = 45.0601 
    • Speech Communication = 9.0101
    • Accounting =  52.0301



Column C: Consolidated Undergrad Major

  • Purpose: Organizes majors/academic programs into broader groupings or categories. Consolidated majors create streamlined categories to improve data organization and reporting.
  • What to do: Create groupings or categories for the majors and assign each major a consolidated major. Many schools use “Career Clusters” or “Career Communities” or ‘Colleges’ if applicable.
  • Example:
    • Economics = Social Sciences 
    • Speech Communication = Communication 
    • Accounting =  Business



Column D: Core Undergraduate Major 

  • Purpose: Connects your major/academic program to the 12twenty system. This ensures standardized major groupings across the 12twenty platform, enabling consistent communication with employers posting jobs.
  • What to do: 
    • Use the dropdown carrot in the ‘Majors/CIP Code’ template (shown below) to select from the pre-populated picklist or use the "References" tab to copy and paste your selections. Note: This picklist cannot be modified.
  • Example: 
    • Economics = Social Sciences - Economics 
    • Speech Communication = Humanities - Communication 
    • Accounting =  Business - Accounting



Column E: Type - Data Validation

  • Purpose: Ensures standardized groupings across the 12twenty platform, enabling consistent communication with employers posting jobs.
  • What to do: 
    • Use the dropdown carrot in the ‘Majors/CIP Code’ template to select from the pre-populated picklist or use the "References" tab to copy and paste your selections. Note: This picklist cannot be modified.




REMINDER: Once you have completed the Majors/CIP Codes template, submit it to your onboarding manager. They will ensure that the majors and academic programs are uploaded to your site.

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