Creating a Job Fair

Job Fairs (Career Fairs) on 12twenty are a multi-step process that includes the creation of the Job Fair itself, schedules, and Employer Registrations. This article discusses the process of creating the Job Fair record.

To learn about creating and using schedules, please review this resource.
To learn about Employer Registration for Job Fairs, please review this resource


How to Create a Job Fair

  1. On the left Navigation Panel select Events

  2. On the top right of the page select +Host a Job Fair
  3. Next fill in the Job Fair details

  4. Configure Job Fair Event Dates:
    • The registration dates for both students and employers are decided by the admin, be sure to remember that registration for both must end before the Event Start Date.

      Pro Tip 1: To host a multi-day career fair select +Add Date in the Event Dates section.
      Pro Tip 2: Job or career fairs hosted over multiple days will send an employer registration approval notification for the first day the fair occurs, as opposed to the specific day the employer may be registered for. See Event Notifications for a list of all notifications related to events.**

    • The Publish Date field. This allows admins to control when an event becomes visible to eligible students. Pro tip: The Publish Date must be before or on the same date as the Registration Start Dates.

  5. For Job Fairs utilizing scheduling, admins can enable schedules, allow employers to add or remove schedules after registration is approved, and select from schedule templates available to employers. 
  6. Configure Eligibility. To view and register for the Job Fair, a Student or Alumni must be included in at least one Student Group listed in the Eligibility section.

  7. If you want to ensure that students that register for the Job Fair upload a Resume, Cover Letter, or any other document(s) be sure to complete the Registration Documents field and select the Is Required box. To learn more about how to download documents, click here.

  8. Under the Registration Types section of the Job Fair Details page, an admin can add registration types that employers will select when registering for the Job Fair. You can add additional registration types by selecting Add Registration Type.

    • Admins can also add Additional Items that employers can select when registering (such as additional chairs, meals, etc.)

  9. After all fields with an (*) are filled click Save to view your newly created Job Fair.

Once a Job Fair record has been published, Employers will be able to register starting on the Employer Registration date and time configured within the Event Dates section. Students and Alumni will be able to view the Job fair on the Student Publish date and time and will be able to begin registering (and selecting a time slot, if applicable) on the Student Registration date and time.

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