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Job Fair Scheduling

This article will introduce Job Fair Schedules, including the admin set up of a Job Fair that offers schedules, employer registration with scheduling options, and student sign up for time slots.

Creating a Job Fair that offers schedules

Before you create a Job Fair with schedules, you will need to configure your schedule template options.

  1. As an admin user, begin by navigating to Site Management > Site Settings > the Schedule Template site setting page to set up the schedule(s) you will offer to employers for this Job Fair.
  2. Select Add Schedule Template to create a new template, fill out the template details as appropriate, select Save, and repeat until you have the templates needed for the Job Fair.

Pro Tip: Give each template a clear name that indicates the schedule's configuration to let employers signing up to the Job Fair know exactly what they are requesting. For example, "Half Day Schedule: 9am-12pm, 15min slots, no lunch break".


Now you are ready to create the Job Fair.

  1. Navigate to the Events module and select Host a Job Fair.
  2. Fill out all required fields on the Create Job Fair form as usual.
  3. In the new Scheduling section, select Yes for Enable Schedules. Note that this is optional so as to support standard Job Fairs where you do not wish to allow employer schedules.
  4. Select the schedule templates you would like to offer from the dropdown that appears.
  5. Select Save at the bottom of the page to create the Job Fair.


Employer registration

Once your Job Fair is published, employers may begin registering during the open employer registration dates. They will now have the option to also request schedules to accompany their registration.

  1. Employers will select Register after navigating to the Job Fair.
  2. On the registration form, employers may use the Schedule(s) section to choose if they would like to offer scheduled time slots to meet with students.
  3. If an employer selects Yes, they will select from the templates available for this Job Fair, as well as a quantity for each template selected (e.g. I will need 3 full-day schedules).

Note: If the Employer did not originally select a Schedule when they registered and their Registration is already approved, the Employer will be unable to make a Schedule selection. The Job Fair Registration must be returned to the "Pending" status to allow for a Schedule selection.


Schedule management

Upon admin approval of an employer registration with accompanying schedules, the employer registration will show two tabs: Registration & Schedule.

  1. Navigate to the Schedule tab of the employer registration to view the schedules and make any necessary adjustments. 
  2. From the Schedule tab, admins and employers may: assign a a Room Location, and an optional Room Note to each schedule, designate schedules as Virtual and add a virtual meeting URL, reserve slots, download document packets, and export schedules as needed.

Student sign-up to meet with employers

Once student registration is open, students may begin to register for the Job Fair and sign up to meet with individual employers.

  1. As a student, navigate to the Job Fair and select Register.
  2. After successfully registering, navigate to the Employers tab of the Job Fair to browse attending employers.
  3. Students may select employer names to explore details on each attending employer, including any open Job Postings or Events that are posted in the system for that employer.
  4. Click on the "Select a Time Slot" button displayed next to an employer who is offering schedules and has available time slots. Pro tip: Students may also use the "Has Schedule" filter to find employers offering schedules.
  5. Select an available time slot to meet with the employer.
  6. Navigate back to the Employers tab of the Job Fair to view your scheduled meetings. Employers you are scheduled to meet with will always be listed at the top of the results. Your meetings will also be added to the My Calendar page located on your student profile, as well as your personal calendar if you are using calendar sync with 12twenty.

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