Contact vs. Employer User

Your Contact Directory can be thought of as a basic rolodex of contacts. An Employer User is a user with login credentials that can access the platform. A contact may have an associated Employer User account, which you can see on the Basics tab on that contact's profile page (see screenshot below for an example of a contact with an associated Employer User account).

An easy way to distinguish which contacts on your platform have an Employer User Account is to use the Has Employer Account filter on the Contact Directory.

  1. Select the Contacts module from the left navigation panel. On the Contact Directory page select “+More Filters” and then select the “Has Employer Account” filter.

  1. Set the filter to “Has Employer Account = Yes” to view all of the contacts in the contact directory that have user accounts.


Q: Will rejecting a contact restrict employer user account access to our site instance?

A: No it will not - you can disable employer user account access by looking up their account in "Manage Users," clicking on their name, and setting "user can access [site instance name] = off"

Q: Can an employer I've restricted from accessing our platform post a job via the Employer Portal's multipost function?

A: Yes - but the job will be set to "pending" and you have the power to approve it or deny it.

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