Setting Up an OCI Round

Below is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create an OCI Round. You must be a School Admin to manage OCI Rounds.

  1. Once you have managed the General OCI Settings and set up your OCI Periods, navigate to the OCI Settings tab and select + New OCI Round to begin setting up and configuring your OCI Round session.
  2. Enter a name for your OCI Round. 
  3. Decide if students can decline interviews as well as any maximums for applications or interviews. Please note: If your OCI Round includes a withdrawal period, you will then be prompted to complete the "Number of Hours before an interview a student can withdraw an interview decision". If your OCI Round does not contain a period where withdrawal is enabled, you will not need to complete this setting. 
  4. Decide if the interview schedule should be automatically released to students and employers at the end of the OCI Round timeline. Please use caution using this feature as the schedule will be released regardless of whether or not the schedule is complete.
  5. To input the periods of this OCI Round, select + Add OCI Period to customize the list of Periods and their start and end times. You can customize the list of periods and the periods themselves. (To create or edit an OCI Period, navigate back to the General Tab and scroll down to OCI Period Configuration.)

  6. Once you have added the relevant OCI periods, you can see the rules of each period by hovering over the question mark next to each period.
  7. Please note that OCI periods cannot overlap. As an example, if "Period 1" ends on May 10th at 12:00pm, then "Period 2" can only start on May 10th at 12:01pm or later. 

  8. Before selecting Save Changes, you may choose to limit the dates Employers can request for interviews during this OCI Round under Interview Dates.
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