Auto-Assigning Interviews

School admins may opt to automatically assign all students within an OCI Round who have accepted an interview extended to them to time slots, avoiding the need for students to self-select time slots for each interview they are extended. 

In order to best avoid any potential schedule conflicts, it’s recommended that students complete their My Interview Availability details, so that the system’s scheduling process will respect scheduling conflicts (dates/times students have indicated they are not available). Click here for more information on the "My Interview Availability" tab.

  • Please Note: If you elect to use the "auto-assign" feature after some students have selected interview slots, it will randomize ALL students and reassign everyone new slots


  1. Auto-Assigning Interviews from an OCI Job Listing
  2. Auto-Assigning Interviews from OCI Management


Auto-Assigning Interviews from an OCI Job Listing

    1. Navigate to the Schedule tab

    2. Click Auto Assign Slots

    3. Confirm you would like to proceed with auto-assignment by clicking Confirm in the pop-up

    4. Students will be automatically assigned to time slots and will populate on the schedule as Not Notified


Auto-Assigning Interviews from OCI Management

  1. From the OCI and Job Listings module, click on the OCI Management button in the top right

  2. Select the OCI round for which you are looking to auto-assign students

  3. You will see the number of OCIs with student applicants pending assignment in the # of OCIs column

  4. Click on Auto Assign Students

  5. Click Ok in the confirmation modal to proceed with auto-assignment for all OCIs within the selected Round

Please Note: The auto-assign functionality process avoids conflicts to the best of its abilities based on the information included in the My Interview Availability tab. There may be a scenario in which a scheduling conflict is unavoidable. Please review our article on finding conflicts for an OCI Round here.

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