Rotational Schedules

This article discusses Rotational Schedules. Rotating schedules allow students to sign up for a single time slot in which they will rotate to a second interviewer halfway through their time slot. 

Rotating Slots.png


  1. Configuring Rotational Schedules
  2. Rotational Schedule Errors and Resolution
  3. Creating Rotational Schedules
  4. Managing Rotational Schedules
  5. Student Experience - Rotational Schedules
  6. Employer Experience - Rotational Schedules
  7. Frequently Asked Questions


Configuring Rotational Schedules

To accommodate rotating time slots, create matching pairs of time slots in two separate rooms. The time slots need to be 2x as long as the interview time. For example, if you want to interview Student 1 for 30 minutes with Interviewer A followed by 30 minutes with Interviewer B, you would create a 60-minute slot.

With two students, assign student A to the first slot in your first room, and then assign student B to the first slot in the second room. These students will now rotate with each other halfway through their 60-minute time slot.

If your Employer’s OCI will consist of a rotating schedule, this can be enabled via the Registration page of the OCI workflow. To enable rotational scheduling for your OCI, please click on Register for an OCI on the OCI and Job Listings page, and select Rotating Schedule (Optional) = YES under the Interview Preferences section. 

The selection of Yes for Rotating Schedule (Optional) will create a red "Rotating Schedules Requested" tag. 


Creating Rotational Schedules

  1. Navigate to the Schedule tab
  2. Add a schedule to the OCI Registration
  3. Use the action menu for that room to select “Convert to Rotational Schedule”

Create Rotation.png

Once the rotational schedule has been created, two schedules (Room 1 and Room 2) will be visible:



Managing Rotational Schedules

When editing a rotational schedule, selecting a single slot will select the three additional slots it is paired with:

The "quadruple" set will be selected. 

Deleting one time slot (example: 9:00 - 9:15am from above) will result in the deletion of all four time slots:



Student Experience - Rotational Schedules

Students accessing their interviews through the job posting will be provided two separate interviews:


The students' calendars will show two separate calendar events in 12twenty and on their personal calendar (when Calendar Sync is enabled and active):

Rotation Calendar - 12t.png                   


Email notifications: notifications are doubled for students with rotating interviews, i.e. they will receive two Reminder emails, two Interview notifications, etc (one for each “slot”)

12twenty In-App Video: students will see two individual interviews for each rotating time slot


Employer Experience - Rotational Schedules

Employers using 12twenty In-App Video for rotation schedules will see each student interview on their schedule.


Rotational Schedules Created Before Monday, June 17th 2024

Rotational Schedule Errors and Resolution (Old)

If your rotational schedule contains any errors upon scheduling an error badge will appear on the schedule tab. To see additional information on that error message, scroll down to the schedule with the error and read the text in the red box. 

Some common rotational schedule errors are:

  • The number of rooms to rotate is not even 

  • The number of time slots dedicated to an OCI room is not equal to each other 

  • Assigned job posting to time slot is not even (if OCI schedule is linked to multiple job postings)

To resolve this, ensure that the above has been satisfied (adding rooms / adding timeslots / updating assigned job postings) on the OCI Schedule.



Exporting Schedules (Old)

To view a rotational schedule, go to the Schedule tab, click on Schedule Actions, and select Export Schedule.



A PDF will download containing a breakdown of time slots assigned to students on a room-by-room basis, where rotating student schedules can be viewed.

Once you have your rotational schedule set up properly, you will be able to export your schedule and review it. A PDF will download containing a breakdown of time slots assigned to students on a room-by-room basis, where rotating student schedules can be viewed.

For example, the screenshot below is an example of a rotational schedule export. In this example, that interviewer #1, Anastina, will meet with Michael first, and then meet with Matt in Room #1. Meanwhile, Interviewer #2, Kyle, will meet with Matt first, and then meet with Michael in Room #2. 


Please Note: Each schedule will typically appear on its own page. This screenshot is for demonstration purposes only. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Can rotational schedules be converted back to regular schedules?
No, you will have to re-create the schedule if you want it to be a non-rotational schedule.

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