Guide to Virtual Events: Non-Time Slot vs. Time Slot

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of setting up and managing virtual events on your platform, distinguishing between non-time slot events (e.g., "Company Presentations" or "Information Sessions") and time slot events (e.g., "Coffee Chats" or "Mock Interviews").


  1. Non-Time Slot Virtual Events
  2. Time Slot Virtual Events
  3. Frequently Asked Questions


Non-Time Slot Virtual Events

These events do not require participants to select specific time slots. Below are the key steps and features:

Setting Up a Virtual Event

  • Set the "Event Format" drop-down to "Virtual" while creating the event.

Adding a Virtual Meeting URL

  • After setting the event to virtual, the virtual meeting URL field becomes available on the event details page.
  • Supported platforms: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, WebEx, GoToMeeting, and 12twenty Video (in-house option).
  • Corresponding logos will display for recognized URLs.

Missing Virtual Meeting URL

  • A red badge labeled "Virtual Meeting URL Missing" will appear on the event page if a URL has not been added.
  • Use the "Virtual Meeting URL Missing" filter to locate such events in the event list.


Hiding the Virtual Meeting URL Until Registration

  • This can be done by selecting "Registration Required" when creating the event. If a student/alumni view a virtual event that requires registration, they will not be able to access the URL unless they have registered:

    Unregistered Student View, "Registration Required"



    Unregistered Student View, "Registration Non-Required"


  • Registered participants will see the URL as the "Location" in their calendar sync or .ICS file. If a URL is added post-registration, the calendar sync object will automatically update.


Time Slot Virtual Events

These events allow participants to register for specific time slots. Below are the unique configurations and features:

Setting Up a Virtual Time Slot Event

  • Set "Event Format" to "Virtual" and designate specific rooms on the schedule as virtual.
  • Alternatively, events can be labeled "On Campus" with virtual rooms if hybrid options are desired.

Adding a Virtual Meeting URL

  • Add URLs to specific rooms on the schedule. Admins or employers can upload the URLs. Employer users with schedule access can add URLs through recruiter access.
  • To add the Virtual URL, you must first add a schedule by clicking the "Add Schedule" button on the Schedule tab.

  • From there, you can configure your schedule:

    Please Note: If you would like to have more than one student in a single time slot, you can update the "Students Per Slot" value. 
  • Supported platforms: Same as non-time slot events (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, WebEx, GoToMeeting, and 12twenty Video).

Missing Virtual Meeting URL

  • Similar to non-time slot events, a red badge will appear for events missing a URL, and the "Virtual Meeting URL Missing" filter is available.

Adding Virtual Meeting URL

  • Select Edit Room under Room Actions, then check the Virtual check box.

What Students/Alumni See

  • Participants will only see the URL for the room associated with their registered time slot.
  • The URL will also sync to calendar objects as the "Location."

  • Calendar syncs update automatically if a URL is added after registration.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does virtual attendance tracking work for events?
12twenty Attendance Tracking through Virtual Links functions as follows:

  • A virtual event/room is created
  • URL is attached
  • All student users will see and must use the customized meeting URL when joining the virtual meeting.
  • 12twenty Attendance Tracking URL is available on:
    • Your 12twenty site
    • The Student/Alumni users' personal/school calendars, if synced
    • The registration/reminder/other system-generated notifications by the platform
      Their personal/school calendar if they added the .ics from platform emails to their calendar
  • Please note: All other methods of opening the virtual meeting will prevent 12twenty from tracking their attendance. Additionally, ad blockers, VPNs, and similar IP/MAC Address hiding software can prevent us from tracking the student. You can bulk update an event’s registrants and their attendance:
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