University Admins: Event Notifications

 This article is intended for use by University Admins and explains the types of Event Notifications available via Site Settings.


From the Notifications tab of the Events site settings page, you can access and control all email notifications that are sent to students, employers, and admins.


Email Template

Recipient Type



Event Company Registration Status Updated (to Admin)


Event Manager (User who created event)

An employer deletes or cancels their registration

Event Saved Search Notification


Career center user who created notification

New search result available based on saved search notification interval (daily or weekly)

Event Slot Now Available


Career Center Contact on Event

If event auto promote is disabled, there are students on the waitlist and a registered student withdraws from the event, this notification will result

Job/Career Fair Registration Pending Approval


Career Center Contact on Event

An employer registers for a career fair **please note, if the job/career fair occurs over multiple days, the employer notification email will go out for the first day of the event, as opposed to the specific day the employer may be registered for**

Event Approval


Event Manager (User who created event)

Event was approved by career center

Event Attendee Packet Generated


Employer user who generated packet

Employer generates a packet and selects "Email" as a delivery method

Event Company Registration


Employer who registered for career fair

Employer registers for career fair

Event Company Registration Status Updated (to Employer)


Employer who registered for career fair

Employer registration status was updated by career center (approved, rejected, etc.)

Event Change Notification


Student registrant

Event date/time and/or location was changed

Event Registration


Student registrant

Student registered for an event

Event Reminder*


Student registrant

Event start time was within X number of hours specified in the site settings for events, therefore the event reminder notification went out to the student registrant

Event Follow Up


Student Registrant

Sent out within X number of hours specified in the site settings for events. Can be configured with templates.

Event Saved Search Notification


Student registrant

New search result available based on saved search notification interval (daily or weekly)

Student Added to Waitlist For Event


Student registrant

Student registered for an event's waitlist

Student Registered for Event from Waitlist


Student registrant

Student promoted to an event registrant from the waitlist

Student Removed from Event Waitlist


Student registrant

Career center user removed student from waitlist



Event Notification Settings

An Event Reminder email will not be sent to students unless the "hours prior" setting is configured and the notification is enabled. Leave the "hours prior" setting blank to disable this reminder."

Event Follow Up emails need to be configured for a specific number of hours after the end time of an event:

If your students do not reliably register for events, and you find yourself programming their registration and attendance after the event is over, please make sure to provide yourself enough time to enter their registrations to ensure they receive the Event Follow-up email. 


Please note: Please ensure the Event Follow-Up email is enabled in addition to specifying the hours in which you'd like the follow-up email to be sent. 




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