December 6th, 2018
OCI (Schedule) - Resolved an issue that could cause admins to be unable to assign students to time slots when the schedule has a large number of rooms
Document Selection (Events & Job Listings) - Resolved an issue that resulted in the students primary resume being selected instead of the actual resume selected by the user when registering for an event or applying to a job.
December 5th, 2018
Candidate Search - Resolved an issue that could cause the Candidate Search page to time out if certain exclusion settings are active
Job Listings - Resolved an issue that resulted in a job listing to not show in the results when the user types in a city and state into the location field, and does not select it from the auto complete. The user no longer needs to select it from the auto complete so long as the text matches.
Custom Reports (Contact) - Resolved an issue that could cause a time out when filtering contacts by world region.
OCI (Bidding) - Resolved an issue that could show a student a bidding notification on the job listing detail page even if the platform does not have bidding enabled.
OCI (Bidding) - Resolved an issue that showed students bidding results during a period that did not allow students to view bidding results.
November 15th, 2018
New Features/Improvements
- Outcomes (Job and Sponsored Job Forms) - If enabled for your site instance, the "Years of Experience (Detailed)" question will now appear on the job form. This is the same field that is present on the student background tab (i.e., it is connected).
- Fixed
OCI (Email Notifications, Substitution Tags) - Resolved an issue which caused the OCIRoundTimeline substitution tag to be listed out of chronological order
Student Directory - Resolved an issue that could cause the results of the student directory to not load unless the user selects "Search"
Application Documents (Student, Applying for Job or Registering for Event) - If a document is optional, and the student has a document uploaded for the optional document type, the platform will no longer automatically select that document. Rather, it will leave the document type unselected, so the student has a way to submit their application or registration without having to submit with a document that is optional.
November 12th, 2018
New Features/Improvements
- Events (Student Registrants Export) - Sorted export by last name, first name, and split up "Full Name" column into "First Name" and "Last Name" columns
- Fixed
Manage Users (Career Center Users) - When deleting a career center user, the Confirm Delete modal that appears has been updated to correctly refer to career center users.
OCI (Rotating Schedules) - The "rotating" text that appears on the Schedule tab of an OCI (after the listed number of slots and rooms) has been added back.
November 9th, 2018
New Features/Improvements
- Student Sign Up - Prevented sign up page 2 from being accidentally cleared out if a student enters a university that is not already in the database. Improved validation message as well.
Custom Reports & Dashboards - Added the ability for the "School Administrator" user role type to move custom reports, dashboards and folders that are shared. Also added the ability for a user to edit the name/visibility of a folder they created.
Orders - Updated the text "Order" on the PDF export of an order to "Invoice."
- Fixed
Employers (Merging) - Added a validation message when merging two employers that have registered for the same career fair. Previously, this would result in an "Oops" error.
Events (# of Students Registered) - Resolved an issue which could cause the number of students listed on the "Registered Students" tab of an event to be mismatched with the actual number of students registered.
OCI (Schedules) - Resolved an issue which could result in a "break" time to be added as an actual interview slot when using the schedule template feature.
Student Upload Tool - Resolved an issue which could result in an error message appearing during a student upload, but did not prevent the upload from actually completing.
November 6th, 2018
Candidate Search - Separate exclusion settings by job phase (Post Graduation & Internship) are now available. To update these settings please visit Site Settings Candidate Search.
- Application Documents (Students)- When a student applies to a job or registers for an event that requires one or more application documents, the platform will now automatically populate the students primary resume or most recently uploaded cover letter, transcript, etc. This will help reduce the number of duplicate application documents in the system.
November 5th, 2018
Standard Reports (MBA CSEA, Full-Time MBA) - The ability to see the list of students represented in each table on the MBA CSEA report is now available.
To use this new feature, navigate to the MBA CSEA table and select "Export Raw Data." The export will provide you with a list of applicable students, along with their categorization.
- Each table's export will contain different data based on the table you are viewing. For example, Table 1.A shows the student's status and work authorization, whereas Table 4.C shows the students industry, salary and work authorization.
October 30th, 2018
Standard Reports (MBA CSEA, Full-Time MBA) - Made a variety of updates to the MBA CSEA report (Full-Time MBA) in accordance with version 6 of the standards
Tables 4.B - 4.L now support the ability to export the raw data associated with the table. This allows you to see which students are behind the numbers in the report. Support for this function on the remainder of the tables will be added in the coming weeks.
Table 1.A - Removed "PT" and "Totals" columns
Table 1.B - Removed table (no longer exists in Standards v6)
Tables 4.E, F, G, H, I, and J:
The percentage is now a percentage of the students accepting new employment as opposed to the percentage of students accepting new employment from the table alone
Tables 4.E, F, G, H and J:
Removed the column for "Graduates Reporting Salary"
Events (Time Slot Event Type, Document Packets) - Fixed an issue that resulted in an error when generating a document packet for a time slot event that has a room with no time slots associated with it
Sandbox Scrub Process - The sandbox scrub process will now disable custom report/dashboard distribution notifications so that users do not receive what appear to be duplicate notifications, even though one notification is from sandbox and the other is from production.
Custom Reports (Advising Reports) - Fixed an issue with the custom date range filter for "Appointment Date" that resulted in incorrect results
API (Contact Meeting Endpoint) - Fixed the "ActivityTypeId" property so that it correctly returned a value. Additionally, the property was renamed to "TypeId."
October 26th, 2018
- Events - Fixed an issue that prevented waitlisted students from being notified that they were added to the event
October 25th, 2018
- Custom Reports (Distribution) - Fixed an issue that resulted in the download link within a custom report distribution email to fail
- Picklist GUI - Fixed an issue where updates to picklist settings were not immediately picked up/made available to the data upload tool
- Calendar Sync - Fixed an issue that could result in a timeout when saving an advisers calendar sync settings if many appointment blocks have already been created in the future
October 24th, 2018
- Events (Job Fairs) - Added additional fields to the employer registrants export for job fair event types. The export now includes all fields related to the employer registration, as well as an "Add-ons" tab for a list of the add-ons companies have purchased.
- Events (Job Fairs) - Created a new notification ("Job Fair Registration Pending Approval") to the career center contact of a job fair event type when an employer registers. If a career center contact is not specified for the job fair, no email is sent.
- Events (Time Slot Event Type) - Added the ability for waitlisted students to select open time slots for a time slot event
- Events (Time Slot Event Type) - Added the ability for student event registrants to select a different time slot without having to cancel their registration first
- Appointments - Fixed an issue that could prevent students from booking an appointment with times less than 30 minutes, as the default was previously hard-coded to 30 minutes. The default appointment length is now set via the "Default appointment time interval (minutes)," previously known as "Appointment block time interval (minutes)." The field is now dual purpose, for appointment block and appointment booking length.
October 22nd, 2018
- Fixed an issue with application packets that could result in documents other than those selected from being included
- New student uploads now navigate to the detail page for that upload instead of the list page
October 19th, 2018
- Fixed an issue that could result in scheduled applicant packets for events being generated out of order
October 18th, 2018
- Fixed an issue that could result in scheduled applicant packets for job postings being generated out of order
October 15th, 2018
- Fixed an issue that could prevent attributes in the "Who Can View and Apply" section from being respected if the student did not have a value specified in their profile
- Fixed an issue that prevented students from editing an existing resume
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the "Data Export" tool in site settings from successfully exporting
- Added a column to the MBA CSEA report tables 4.B-L, "Graduates Reporting Salary"
- Added the ability for employers to generate a student application packet of waitlisted students and and export the list to excel
October 12th, 2018
- Fixed an issue that may prevent a user from viewing an application packet PDF
- Fixed an issue with application packets for rotational schedules that caused the schedule to appear multiple times
- Fixed an issue that could cause a rejected employer to appear as having the status of "Pending Approval"
- Added the ability for a career center user to add a student to an event or appointment by student ID
- Added the optional "Packet Title" to the cover page of an application packet, when specified
- Open time slots for events that are unavailable to students due to the event being over capacity now appear as "Not Available" instead of "Open"
October 11th, 2018
- Bulk Student Upload & Update Tool (Beta)
- The Bulk Student Upload & Update Tool allows admin users to create new student users or update existing student users in bulk via a CSV template
- Please Note: The Bulk Student Upload & Update tool is currently in beta, and will be available for wide release in Q4 2018. If you would like to participate in the beta, please contact
- Law Schools Only - Renamed "Law Degree Funding" question on outcome form to "Please indicate how your position is funded"
October 8th, 2018
- Picklist GUI - Show "Core" Picklists
- The picklist GUI now shows picklists that are "core" to the platform. These picklists can be viewed, but not customized, e.g., "Gender" or "North American Region."
- Bug Fixes
October 4th, 2018
- Events - Auto Promote Setting, Notifications and Additional Updates
- Added a new attribute under "Enable Waitlist" on the event create form for admins called "Auto-Promote Waitlisted Registrants"
- When enabled, waitlisted registrants will automatically be promoted to an open slot when another student un-registers. If auto-promote is disabled, an email will be sent to the career center contact notifying them that the event has an opening.
- Please Note - This field has been set to "Yes" by default to match existing functionality
- If auto promote is disabled, a yellow badge will appear next to the "Waitlist" title on the registered students tab, "Auto Promote Disabled." If auto promote is enabled, a green badge will appear, "Auto Promote Enabled"
- We have standardized the behavior when a career center user adds capacity to an event. Going forward, when adding a new time slot, schedule or increasing the general capacity of an event, students will no longer be automatically promoted.
- Added a new attribute under "Enable Waitlist" on the event create form for admins called "Auto-Promote Waitlisted Registrants"
October 3rd, 2018
- Outcomes - "Still Seeking Employment" Survey Improvements
- If the student has reported a "Still Seeking Employment" outcome in the past, 12Twenty will now present the student with the question "Are you still seeking employment" on their "Jobs and Job Offers" tab the next time they login. If they select "Yes," they will be brought to the "Still Seeking Employment" survey form where they can update their information. If they select "No," they will be prompted with the list of outcomes, where they can make a selection and fill out the corresponding outcome form.
- Outcomes - Allow 'Location Not Yet Determined' on survey form
- Signup - Do not show Post Grad Outcome question if survey for job phase is locked
- Bug Fixes
October 1st, 2018
- Outcomes - Allow "Decline to State" on "Base Salary" field in Fellowship Survey
- Events - Waitlist - Add Ability to download Document Packets and Export data for event waitlists
- Events - Add option "Edit Registration" to waitlisted students' ellipse menu
- API - Outcomes - Expose CompanyId on "Jobs" API endpoint
- Bug Fixes