Document Review allows you to configure customized settings to require that certain users have their Application Materials approved before they are stored and usable on their account. The Document Review module acts as an approval process for the following types of documents:
- Resumes
- Cover Letters
- Transcripts
- Letters of Recommendation
- Writing Samples
- Urls
- Other types of documents
This article will provide an overview of the Document Review module, including the admin configuration of the module, how Document Review approval flows work, and the student experience.
- Site Setting Configuration
- Approving Documents
- Document Review Module
- Student notifications
- Optional Settings
Site Setting Configuration
To begin using the Document Review module, you will need to create approval requirements to let the platform know which document types and which students require approval.
- Navigate to the Document Review site setting page, and select '+ New Approval Requirement'.
- Select a Document Type you would like to require approval for, e.g. Resume
- Select the Student Group(s) that will be subject to this approval requirement
- Select 'Save'
- Repeat steps 1-4 until all of the document type/student group combinations that need an approval requirement on your platform have been created
Please note: Approval requirement settings are not retroactive, i.e. if you create an approval requirement for resumes uploaded by graduating seniors, only resumes uploaded by graduating seniors after the approval requirement was created will require approval.
Approving Documents
Documents that Require Approval
Now that you have set your approval requirements, the platform will recognize the need for approval on a document-by-document basis, all based on the site settings configured on the Document Review site setting page. As students upload documents to the Application Materials tab of their student profiles, documents that require approval will be granted a Pending approval status.
Admin Notifications
Admins assigned to a user role that includes the "can access Document Review and approve documents" permission will see pending documents appear on their Pending Action Items list under 'Documents'.
Document Review Module
To navigate to the Document Review module, select Document Review from the left hand navigational panel, or select Documents from the Pending Action Items menu to arrive on the page and automatically apply a Status = Pending Approval filter.
Approval Actions
On the Document Review page, admins may take the following actions on a document:
- To view a document in a new browser tab, select the file name from the Document column
- To download a document, select Download from the more actions menu on an individual document
- To approve a document, select Approve from the more actions menu on an individual document
- To reject a document, select Reject from the more actions menu on an individual document
- To request updates on a document, select Request Updates from the more actions menu on an individual document
- To unapprove a document, select Unapprove from the more actions menu on a document with an Approved status
- To view the history of a document, select View Audit Log from the more actions menu on an individual document
Bulk actions
Admins may also make bulk approval actions on the Document Review page. Start by selecting multiple documents from the results, and use the more actions menu that appears to bulk approve, reject, or request updates.
Student notifications
When an approval action is taken on a document (i.e. approved, rejected, or updates requested), an email notification is sent to the student owner of that document. Note that when a document is rejected or updates are requested, the reason for rejection/updates is included in the notification sent to the student.
To edit/manage your approval notifications, navigate to the Notifications tab of the Document Review site setting page.
Optional Settings
To require students to apply to jobs with only approved resumes (if resume approval is required for that student), navigate to the OCI & Job Listings site setting page > Access Controls and Notifications section > enable Require job applications to only accept approved resumes > and select 'Save Changes'.
To enable auto approval for any document type, navigate to the Attributes tab of the Students & Alumni site setting page, toggle Show Enabled Only to Off, select the auto-approval attribute you are looking for, enable the attribute, and be sure to save your changes.
When an auto-approval attribute is enabled, the auto-approve checkbox will appear next to that document type on the Application Materials tab of all student profiles. Check the box to enable auto approval for that student. Any existing documents for that student will be set to approved status, and any future documents they upload will bypass the approvals queue and immediately be granted an Approved status.