Student Employment Module

The Student Employment Module helps your students find on-campus jobs with teams, offices, and partners across your University. Additionally, Hiring Managers for Student Employment Jobs can update their hiring decisions directly on their Job Posting through your 12twenty Platform.




  1. Work-Study Eligible
  2. Module Configuration
  3. Access to the Student Employment Module
  4. Posting Student Employment Jobs
  5. Approving Student Employment Jobs
  6. Managing Student Employment Jobs
  7. Notifications
  8. Frequently Asked Questions


Work-Study Eligible

The Student Employment Module adds a new “Work-Study Eligible” attribute to Student Profiles. The Work-Study attribute is filterable via the Student & Alumni Directory, reportable through Custom Reports, as a filter in the OCI and Job Listings Module, and used in the “Applicants” tab of Student Employment Jobs.

The Work-Study Eligible attribute is only editable by Career Center Users, through the Data Upload Tool, or by using the API.


Module Configuration

The Student Employment Module allows for custom configuration like module name and access settings.

Accessing Settings for Student Employment:
Like all modules on 12twenty, you will manage the Settings for the Student Employment Module through Site Settings. 

  1. Navigate through Site Management > Site Settings
  2. Select OCI and Job Listings (or the custom naming you’ve created)

To change the name of the Student Jobs Module, please use the following workflow:

  1. Access Site Settings for Student Employment
  2. Scroll down to Module Customization > “Custom Student Employment Module Name”
  3. Enter a custom name and save

Resume Requirements:
If you would like to ensure students only use Approved Resumes when applying to on-campus jobs, please enable the “Require student employment jobs to only accept approved resumes” selection

  1. Access Site Settings for Student Employment
  2. Scroll down to Access Controls and Notifications
  3. Enable the option for “Require student employment jobs to only accept approved resumes”


Access to the Student Employment Module

User Roles control the ability of Admins, Students, Alumni, and Employers to access the Student Employment Module. Custom Users Roles created or last edited prior to May 23, 2023, will need to be modified to grant access to the Student Employment Module.

To configure or edit a User Role that grants access to Student Employment, please use the following workflow:

  1. Navigate through Site Management > Manage Users
  2. Select the population to update (Students & Alumni, Admins, or Employers)
  3. Select Roles
  4. Choose an existing role or + Add New User Role
  5. Check the checkbox for “Access Student Employment”
  6. Save

Student Access
Student and Alumni access to the Student Employment Module is controlled by the User Role assigned to the user. New and Custom Users roles contain the permission of “Can Access Student Employment” which must be set to “Yes” if the user should be able to access Student Employment

The default User Role “Full Access” already provides access to the Student Employment Module. Existing Custom Student User Roles will need to be updated to provide access to the Student Employment Module.

Admin Access
Career Center Users’ access to the Student Employment Module is controlled by their assigned User Role. The default “School Administrator” User Role already provides permission to access the Student Employment Module. Existing Custom Admin User Roles will need to be updated to provide access to the Student Employment Module.

Employer Access
Access for Employers to the Student Employment Module requires a specific User Role and/or User Role Configuration. By default, Employer Users are not granted access to your Student Employment Module unless they selected the checkbox for “I am an Employee of [your University]” while creating the Employer User Account through your /hire URL.

Sites where the Student Employment Module is active will already have a default User Role titled “University Employee.” This User Role is granted by a Career Center User or automatically applied if the Employer User created their account through your /hire portal and selected the “I am an Employee of [your University]” checkbox. Existing Custom Employer User Roles will need to be updated to provide access to the Student Employment Module.


Posting Student Employment Jobs

Student Employment Jobs submitted to the platform are similar to standard Job Postings; however, the Student Job form includes the “Work-Study Required” attribute. A selection of “Yes” to the “Work-Study Required” attribute will restrict visibility to the job similar to Student Groups. This means a Student’s Profile must include “Work-Study Eligible” = “Yes,” if the Student Employment Job requires Work-Study eligibility.

Employer Users
Employer Users who have permission to access the Student Employment Module can post Student Jobs through the landing page or Job Listings module on your recruiter portal. To post a job through the Student Employment module, please use the following workflow:

  1. Log in through your /hire URL or use the “Login as” functionality
  2. Select + Post on the Student Employment tile or + Post a Student Employment Job via the Job Listings Module
  3. Fill out the Job Posting Form
  4. Make a Work-Study Requirement selection
  5. Submit
    • As with all Job Postings submitted by an Employer, this job will be submitted as “Pending” and will require a Career Center User to approve the Job Listing before it is made available to Students.

Admin Users
Career Center Users who have permission to access the Student Employment Module can post Student Jobs through the OCI and Job Listings module. To post a Student Employment Job, please use the following workflow:

  1. Navigate to the OCI and Job Listings module
  2. Select + Post a Student Employment Job via the All or Student Employment tab
  3. Fill out the Job Posting Form
  4. Make a Work-Study Requirement selection
  5. Submit
    • As with all Job Postings submitted by a Career Center User, this job will be auto-Approved.


Approving Job Postings for Student Employment

The Student Employment Module also includes a “Student Employment” notification within the Notification Panel for Admin Users. Similar to traditional Job Postings, Student Employment positions are submitted to the platform under a “Pending” status and require the approval of a Career Center User who has adequate permissions. To approve Student Employment Job Postings:

  1. Select the Notification module from the Navigation Panel
  2. Navigate to Student Employment
  3. Select Job Postings that are Pending Approval to Approve or Reject


Managing Student Employment Job Postings

Similar to traditional Job Listings, Student Employment Jobs are managed in the same manner. Additionally, the Applicants tab for Student Employment Jobs contains a column for “Work-Study Eligible” that references the applicant’s Student Profile’s selection for the “Work-Student Eligible” attribute.



Please review the OCI and Job Listings Notification Resource



A recruiter from a regular company posted a Student Job. What can I do to fix it?
A recruiter that is not part of your University was able to post a job through the Student Employment Module is assigned a User Role that includes access to the Student Employment Module. Please review their User Role assignment by navigating to their Employer User Settings by selecting their name in the grey Employer User Account box on their contact record or through Manage Users. Change their User Role so they are assigned a role that does not allow access to the Student Employment Module. Finally, copy the information from their Student Employment Job Listing to a normal job listing and delete the Student Employment Job.

Can I convert or move a Student Employment Job to a normal Job Listing?
Not at this time.

An Employer User that already exists needs access to the Student Employment Module, how do I give them access?
Navigate to their Employer User Account’s settings and change their User Role to a value that includes access to the Module.

Why are my Custom Attributes not appearing on the Student Employment Job Form?
Please review the "Type Association" of your Custom Attribute by selecting the three-dot action button and editing the attribute. Ensure that "Student Employment" is selected for "Type Association."

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